本文关键词: 办公建筑 风机盘管 分体式空调 经济分析 工作环境 出处:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the improvement of people's living standard, people's demand for living environment is higher and higher. Air conditioning is a very important part of improving the room environment. At present, the air conditioning system with the highest utilization rate in daily life is the fan coil unit plus fresh air system and the split air conditioning system. For office buildings, the old buildings generally use separate air conditioners. In the newly built building, the utilization rate of the fan coil unit plus fresh air system is increasing. The main problem of the air conditioning system in the building selected in this paper is that the main engine is not open within the specified time. Even when a considerable number of people are in need of a refrigeration / heating environment, they cannot meet the requirements; if the mainframe is opened within a specified time, if a considerable number of people are not present, no refrigeration / heating environment is required, even if the fan coil unit is closed, However, the main engine is still running. This paper calculates that the energy consumption of the main engine accounts for about 70% of the total energy consumption of the air conditioning system. The main purpose of this paper is to balance the relationship between energy input and working environment. Both the fan coil system and the split system have their own advantages and disadvantages. This paper takes an office experimental building in a university as an example. From the initial investment, operating energy consumption simulation and calculation, operating management costs, depreciation costs, The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: the main factors influencing the input power of the split air conditioner are outdoor temperature, indoor temperature, air conditioning setting temperature, etc. From these aspects, the theoretical solution of the input power of the air conditioner is deduced. (2) the initial investment difference of the selected building using the fan coil system and the split system is calculated respectively. It is concluded that the initial investment of the fan coil system is much higher than that of the split air conditioning system. (3) for the selected building, the energy consumption of the separate air conditioning system is a little bit higher than that of the fan coil system.) because of the fan disk, the energy consumption of the fan coil system is slightly higher than that of the fan coil system. The life cycle of the tube system is different from that of the split air conditioning system. Although the initial investment and operation cost of the fan-coil system is higher than that of the split system, but due to the difference in service life, The final cost per year is not much different (5) the split air conditioning is effective in solving buildings where teachers and students, such as colleges and universities, do not use the same amount of time and do not have a very fixed time to use. For the type of building selected in this paper, split air conditioning can well coordinate the relationship between energy consumption and learning working environment, but different buildings choose which air conditioning system form, according to the region, building area, The research results of this paper are of great significance for office buildings to choose the operation energy consumption, initial investment and comfort of air conditioning system.
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