本文关键词: 物联网 ZigBee 智能厨房 灶具监控 人脸识别 出处:《安徽理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, the technology of Internet of things has also been developed rapidly. Intelligent kitchen system has been applied more and more in people's life. This paper briefly describes the background significance of intelligent kitchen research and its development status at home and abroad, and expounds the innovation of the subject. This paper briefly introduces the technology of Internet of things, and analyzes the functions of each layer of the technology of Internet of things. According to their characteristics, the wireless networking technology using ZigBee wireless transmission technology as the sensor network in the kitchen is finally determined. The functions of each layer of ZigBee technology and the protocol standard are analyzed and introduced. The overall design of the overall function of the system is given. The functions of the system are described, and the topology of ZigBee wireless network is determined by star network. The hardware and software of the home gateway are designed, and the STM32F407 chip is used as the main chip of the home gateway. The peripheral circuit of home gateway is designed. CAN bus is used to communicate with coordinator, Wi-Fi is used to connect with external network, and color screen is used for man-machine interaction. The hardware and software of ZigBee network are designed. The CC2530 chip is used as the network coordinator and the main control chip at the node. The hardware and software of the sensor module are designed, including the camera module, the wireless infrared temperature measurement module, the temperature and humidity acquisition module. The realization of each function is tested by experiment, and the performance of each module is tested in the process of experiment. The experimental results show that the system can achieve the desired purpose. The intelligent kitchen can monitor and protect children through remote terminal, and the intelligent kitchen gas stove can be monitored. Compared with the traditional kitchen system, the intelligent kitchen designed in this paper has more advantages than the traditional kitchen system, such as the detection of mice in the intelligent kitchen, the monitoring of temperature and humidity in the storage cabinet of the intelligent kitchen, and not only the elimination of the tedious wiring, but also the advantages of the intelligent kitchen which is designed based on the Internet of things. The degree of intelligence has been improved, the safety of kitchen has been guaranteed, and the function of child protection has been increased.
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