本文选题:钢结构增层 切入点:模态分析 出处:《长安大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Compared with concrete structure, steel structure is widely used in recent years. Compared with concrete structure, it has the advantages of good technology, safety and economy, light quality, good seismic performance, fast construction and so on. So far, China has not promulgated the design and construction code for the steel structure building. There are still the following problems in the mixed structure after the steel structure is raised: the stiffness and mass distribution in the vertical direction of the hybrid structure after the increase of the steel structure is not uniform. The damping ratio of the original concrete structure and the steel structure is different, and the connection between the two structures is difficult, which has an effect on the overall seismic performance of the hybrid structure. The main work of this paper is as follows: first, combined with a steel structure in Xi'an urban area, The structural design software PKPM is used to model the original reinforced concrete frame structure and the hybrid structure inserted into the steel structure floor respectively. The modal analysis of the whole model of the two structures is carried out. The mode decomposition response spectrum analysis and the dynamic time history analysis under frequent earthquakes are analyzed. Then the 3D finite element model of the original structure and mixed structure is established by using the finite element analysis software ETABS. The dynamic elastic-plastic time-history analysis of two kinds of structures under rare earthquake is carried out. The modal analysis results show that the original concrete frame structure is inserted into the steel structure floor. The elastic analysis results show that the maximum horizontal displacement of the floor decreases as a whole, and the steel structure floor decreases the most, about 34. The variation law of the interstory displacement and the interstory displacement angle is similar, that is, the overall decrease. The shear force between the steel floor and its adjacent floors increases by about 9. The elastic-plastic analysis results show that the maximum horizontal displacement of the mixed structure floor decreases as a whole under the action of rare earthquakes. Under the artificial wave of Lanzhou, the most decrease is about 33.41, the variation law of the interstory displacement and the interstory displacement angle is similar, compared with the original structure, it is also reduced. Under the earthquake action of Lanzhou artificial wave, under the action of the steel structure, at the floor of the steel structure, The interstory displacement and the interstory displacement angle decrease the most, about 31.1. after inserting into the steel structure floor, the floor shear force increases as a whole, and under the action of Lanzhou artificial wave, the maximum increase is about 44.85.The plastic hinge appears first at the beam end and then at the column end. Its development accords with the design criterion of strong column and weak beam. The elastic and elastoplastic analysis shows that the stiffness of the whole structure is increased due to the decrease of the column height and the increase of the members after the insertion of the steel structure floor. It is necessary to pay attention to the increase of the internal force of the superstructure member and the increase of the internal force of the foundation when carrying out the similar retrofit design, which may lead to the necessary reinforcement and reinforcement of the structure. At the same time, due to the connection between the main beam of the steel structure floor and the half story of the original column, the design and construction of the joint should be paid attention to in order to meet the design requirements of the strong column and the weak beam.
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