本文选题:建设工程 切入点:合同管理 出处:《中国科学院大学(中国科学院工程管理与信息技术学院)》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of economic construction, the process of urbanization and infrastructure construction in China is advancing rapidly, and the amount of project construction has been greatly increased. In today's China, both towns and villages have civilian and industrial uses. Infrastructure projects are being designed and constructed. At present, there are generally supporting laws and regulations in the construction industry that lag behind, are not strictly enforced, are not standardized in the industry, and the construction quality is not uniform. Illegal activities occur from time to time in construction activities. Development of the construction market, The expansion of construction scale brings opportunities to enterprises, but the extensive management of enterprises and the disorderly competition among enterprises also bring the hidden trouble of loss or breach of contract. This paper starts from the means and methods of contract management, and combines the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). This paper discusses and studies the main types of disputes in construction contracts and the corresponding suggestions. The main work accomplished in this paper is: 1.Taking multiple owners and corresponding builders as the main interview objects, Through the survey of questionnaire data, we can find out the proportion of disputes and the types of disputes that are easy to derive in the construction process, and form the key factors of the disputes in construction engineering. 2. Taking many industry experts as the main objects of investigation, Through the questionnaire data investigation to understand the influence and the harm degree of the disputes in the construction process, found the influence degree relation of these engineering contract disputes .3.Taking the probability and the influence degree of the contract disputes as the research object, This paper puts forward some suggestions to reduce these contract disputes and forms specific contract terms. Through the study of the types, frequency and influence degree of contract disputes in construction project of H Company, Suggestions and opinions which accord with engineering practice and can reduce contract disputes are formed, thus the reference for standardization of contract management in construction industry and reduction of contract disputes is achieved.
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