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发布时间:2018-04-05 18:57

  本文选题:建筑材料 切入点:导热系数 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:The thermal conductivity of building materials is one of the important building cooling load, energy consumption calculation. The thermal parameters of porous building materials used mostly have a certain moisture content, material moisture heat transfer performance will change. But the building load current calculation methods and software, to approximate the material constant, which is ignored the moisture change influence on heat conduction process, resulting in heat transfer calculation error. Therefore, study on the relationship between the wet porous building materials and internal heat transfer, correction coefficient of thermal conductivity, the calculation has important significance for building energy analysis and HVAC load. Building materials internal moisture content, distribution, transfer characteristics is an important influence the material factors of heat transfer, which is not only related to the pore structure characteristics of materials, the heat and moisture transfer environmental impact. Our climate is different, and different material structure. Jie In the material moisture content, moisture transfer effect on the heat transfer process, quantitative calculation, we can accurately grasp the heat transfer performance of materials. From the existing state of moisture in building materials, including static wet moisture distribution and moisture migration mechanism, their influence on internal heat transfer properties of materials are not the same for. The above problems, in order to reveal the relationship between moisture and thermal conductivity of materials to provide quantitative calculating method of porous building materials thermal conductivity as the goal. By theoretical analysis, experimental test and numerical calculation method, study on the characteristics of structure in porous materials, explore the moisture in static migration and distribution of the wet process to reveal the distribution of the internal heat transfer material, to obtain thermal conductivity and moisture dependent characteristics. Based on the static moisture effect of porous materials in the heat conduction current solid, gas heat conduction model considering material coexistence The material of solid skeleton and wet air heat transfer effect, while ignoring the internal moisture adsorption and moisture condensation state; according to the material internal moisture state changes into liquid, gas space replacement, proposed solid, liquid, gas coexistence thermal physical model. According to the material characteristics of pore structure of porous building is tortuous. Established the calculation model of three-phase capillary structure of the coexistence of thermal conductivity of porous materials based on fractal theory. Using the model, analysis of porosity, pore size distribution, moisture content, quantitative relationship fractal structure of static moisture distribution parameters on the thermal conductivity of the material. The study found that: with the increase of the porosity, the thermal conductivity first decreases and then change increase the porosity is less than 0.1, the rate of change is obvious; and the saturation is low, the variation is more obvious. The minimum and maximum aperture ratio decreased one order of magnitude, the coefficient of thermal conductivity reduction About 10%. lower with the increase of tortuosity, tortuosity fractal dimension and area fractal dimension, the thermal conductivity decreased gradually, especially in the area of fractal dimension is higher than 1.8, this trend is more obvious. The moisture transfer effect on the heat conduction process, the heat and moisture coupling mechanism analysis, the water vapor pressure gradient and the temperature gradient as the driving potential, a wet wet phase coupling heat transfer control equation. The materials used inside wet condensation macro moisture diffusion theory, can not reflect the moisture condensation mechanism, based on the wet transition condition of coupled heat and moisture transfer equation on the phase transformation of wet and heat source two, combined with the classical theory of evaporation and condensation, a wet wet phase coupling heat transfer control equation. According to the interaction within a porous material wet phase change and temperature and humidity field, put forward additional heat iteration The calculation method, get the additional conductivity of moisture migration and moisture caused by the phase transition. The non phase coupled heat and moisture transfer mathematical model based on the analysis, through a large number of calculations show that the thermal conductivity is lower than 0.2W/ (M - K), the coefficient of thermal conductivity and moisture transfer caused by the additional correction rate of change is more sensitive, and additional correction the rate of the water vapor permeability coefficient change is relatively stable. With both sides of heat transfer temperature decreases, additional thermal conductivity and moisture migration caused by the correction increases. In the heat transfer temperature is 10 DEG C, when the two sides of the water vapor pressure increased from 1000Pa to 4000Pa, the ordinary concrete, the thermal conductivity of clay brick and aerated concrete can be increased by about 2% and 10% respectively. 35%. for residential buildings in the heating period, air conditioning period conditions, analysis of external thermal insulation structure of each layer in the static moisture distribution and moisture migration quantitative effect on thermal conductivity. Now the study found Two under the condition of static moisture distribution due to the thermal conductivity of ordinary concrete material increases about 8%~10%. the main influence of moisture migration on the thermal conductivity of the material, the cold and cold regions under heating condition can be neglected; in the condition of hot summer and cold winter and hot summer and warm winter area, ordinary concrete additive correction rate is about -10%~15%. in material ordinary concrete thermal conductivity on the synthetic correction during the heating period is about 8%~9%, the comprehensive correction air conditioning period is about -5%~25%.



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