本文选题:新型卷边PEC柱组合框架结构 + 削弱截面梁 ; 参考:《苏州科技大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As one of the most widely used structural systems in structural engineering at present, the frame structure can meet the seismic design principles of "strong column and weak beam, strong shear and weak bending and strong joint" through reasonable design.The steel-concrete composite structure combines the advantages of the concrete structure and the steel structure, and the combination effect between steel and concrete improves the stability of the steel structure to a certain extent and enhances the concrete constraint.The PEC column studied in this paper is a new type of composite member recently developed. Nowadays, the research on the PEC column is mainly focused on the component, the connection of the joints and the earthquake resistance of the interstory substructure, but the research results on the whole layer of the structure are less.Therefore, in order to enrich the seismic performance of the PEC column in the application of the whole structure system, and to embody the "bidirectional equal stiffness" characteristic of the PEC column,In this paper, a two-story single-span test specimen at the bottom of a PEC column (weak-axle-steel beam) composite frame structure with end-plate pretension and bolt connection is selected as the research object, and its seismic behavior is studied.It provides a sufficient theoretical basis for the application of PEC columns in practical engineering.For this test, considering the loading capacity of the school laboratory loading equipment, the quasi-static test of the hysteresis performance of horizontal low cycle reciprocating load is carried out according to the 1:2 scale, and the relevant research results are obtained.At the same time, the seismic behavior under horizontal cyclic load is simulated and analyzed by ABAQUS, and the seismic mechanism is revealed, and the results of simulation and test are compared to verify the feasibility of finite element simulation.Considering the influence of the axial force on the composite frame structure in the actual engineering situation, the influence of axial force on the composite frame structure is simulated by using the finite element software, and the seismic behavior of the model that is most consistent with the actual project is obtained.The results show that the load-bearing capacity of the specimen is high, and the stiffness difference of the upper and lower layers of the test specimen is affected by the damage of the structure during the loading process, which makes the stiffness difference of the upper and lower layers decrease gradually at the later stage of loading.The interlayer shear force of the specimen structure is almost divided by two columns, and the lateral displacement between the layers of the specimen is mainly provided by the shear deformation of the specimen, which shows the shear deformation mode of the specimen.The beam end weakens the cross section yield and the PEC column foot concrete collapses and the steel frame yields to consume energy, but the energy consumption of the four joints is more than the total energy consumption, and the energy consumption distribution of the upper and lower layers is approximately uniform.The end plate pretension is applied to the bolt connection and the beam end to weaken the cross section, which can improve the rotation ability of the joint and the energy demand of seismic resistance.The ultimate failure mode of the specimen is the plastic failure mechanism where the beam end is weakened and the steel frame at the bottom of the PEC column yields and concrete collapses to form a plastic hinge. The seismic ductility of the specimen can be fully reflected from the joint angle of the specimen and the lateral displacement between the layers.Through the analysis of axial force simulation, the second order effect of axial force applied on the specimen accelerates the yield process of the specimen, and makes the yield energy consumption of the specimen more fully than the limit value of the lateral lateral displacement angle of the frame structure under the action of the strong earthquake, and the second order effect caused by the axial force applied on the specimen is accelerated, so that the yield energy of the specimen is more fully consumed.
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