本文选题:HD项目 + 风险管理 ; 参考:《华东理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the support of the country, real estate construction projects in China are developing rapidly. In this context, real estate project management mode is also undergoing tremendous changes, project managers are increasingly aware of the importance of risk management in real estate construction projects, so, Real estate construction projects from the past lack of planning passive management, to a more proactive direction in the transformation. The managers of the real estate construction project hope to apply the professional project risk management skills to the actual project to improve the overall risk management level of the project. Therefore, the research on risk management of construction projects can promote the construction and healthy development of the real estate industry. Based on the theory of project risk management, according to the characteristics of HD real estate construction project (hereinafter referred to as HD project), this paper adopts the method of expert investigation according to the idea of "risk identification-risk evaluation-risk response" in the risk management process. The risk management of HD project is studied by Analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Firstly, on the basis of risk management theory, with the aid of questionnaire survey and expert interview, risk identification is carried out from investment decision-making stage, early preparation stage, construction stage and lease and sale stage. Secondly, with the help of Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), the risk factors of HD project are evaluated in detail, and the policy risk is analyzed. The financial policy risk is the most important risk factor affecting HD project. Finally, in view of the risk factors that have been obtained, from the aspects of strengthening market research, using scientific methods to estimate projects and strengthening market prediction and analysis, the detailed risk prevention strategies are put forward. This paper analyzes the risk management of HD project from the perspective of risk management, and discusses the efficiency of the risk management of HD project. At the same time, it puts forward some valuable ideas for the risk management research of large-scale real estate construction project in the future, which can promote the development of industry. Has certain research significance.
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