本文选题:乡土性 + 空间肌理 ; 参考:《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2017年05期
[Abstract]:In the current tide of vigorously promoting the construction of urbanization, the local characteristics of the traditional village society are gradually declining, and the reconstruction of the village society should follow the new value perspective and action orientation. With the change of cultural value, the spatial change of village form has experienced three stages: the ethical value of traditional culture, the symbolic value of nation / country, and the modern value of urban civilization. The spatial significance of the traditional village reflects the geomantic and ethical values in the local culture and the spatial projection of the family ethics, while the village planning in the construction of the new countryside inherits the modern structure based on the urban civilization. The concepts of function, power, wealth and modernization are highlighted. In the face of the village reconstruction planning of "urban planning and going to the countryside", it is necessary for us to plan the texture of the village space based on the humanistic and historical value formed by the traditional village space, so as to realize the reproduction of the significance of the village space. In order to achieve the goal of reconstruction of the rural nature of the village.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学人类学研究所;
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