发布时间:2018-06-19 10:56
本文选题:废水 + 加热 ; 参考:《农业工程学报》2017年09期
【摘要】:该文针对水产生物工厂化育苗水体升温技术需求,开展了利用育苗废水作热源为育苗水体升温的海水源热泵集成技术应用示范,探讨了集成系统对海参育苗水体升温和废水热能的回收效果。结果表明,进入I级换热器的育苗废水和新鲜海水温度分别为10.3~14.9℃和-1.9~4.9℃时,新鲜海水出水温度提升4.6~5.8℃,废水热能最大回收率达到59.2%;海水源热泵的废水热源温度和流量一定时,新鲜海水的温升幅度随其入流流量和温度升高而降低,入流温度分别为7.3和10.3℃的新鲜海水,流量不超过15和20 m~3/h时,出水温度均保持在15℃以上,满足海参育苗水温要求。热泵对废水热能的最大回收率为40.7%,COP(coefficient of performance)在5.03以上;集成升温系统比传统锅炉升温综合节能37.6%以上,减排二氧化碳约2 200 t/a,当年内可收回设备投资费用。
[Abstract]:In order to meet the need of raising temperature in aquatic biological industrial seedling water body, the application demonstration of sea water source heat pump integrated technology, which uses seedling wastewater as heat source for raising seedling water body, is carried out in this paper. The effect of the integrated system on the temperature rise of sea cucumber seedling water and the recovery of waste water heat energy was discussed. The results showed that when the temperature of seedling wastewater and fresh seawater was 10.3 ~ 14.9 鈩,