本文选题:预应力混凝土 + 预应力筋 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学学报》2017年06期
[Abstract]:The optimal arrangement of prestressed tendons is the key to reasonable design and calculation of multi-span prestressed concrete frame structures with large inner span and small side span. In order to meet the need of controlling the maximum bearing capacity of the section, the prestressed tendons needed for the long span are arranged as a continuous curve and extended through the two adjacent small spans according to the horizontal straight line. According to this arrangement, only vertical upward equivalent load is produced in the long span, which can balance the vertical external load of the long span, and if the long span and the two adjacent small spans are considered uniformly, the prestressed tendons are arranged according to the continuous curve. The prestress equivalent load produced by tensioning can balance not only the vertical external load of long span but also the vertical load of small span, so that the load balance can be optimized. Taking a typical project as an example, this paper analyzes the distribution and value difference of the comprehensive bending moment, the principal moment and the secondary moment caused by the tensioning during the arrangement of the two kinds of prestressed tendons under the same conditions. The influence of two types of reinforcement on the calculation results of normal section bearing capacity is compared, and the rationality of the layout of prestressed tendons with three sections of continuous positive and negative parabola is verified after the unified consideration of large inner span and small side span frame structure.
【作者单位】: 哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院;结构工程灾变与控制教育部重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学);
【基金】:黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划项目(2013G0763) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(HIT.KISTP.201428)
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