[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's development process, the continuous and steady growth of economic total, the influence of energy supply and demand on economic development has become increasingly prominent. Energy problems have also become an important factor restricting the sustained and healthy development of our economy. In the total amount of energy consumption, building energy consumption is a large proportion, so building energy conservation workers are actively carried out. It is the key to control the energy consumption in the future and effectively reduce the energy consumption of the building. The thermal resistance of the building enclosure is one of the important thermal properties of the building, which greatly affects the energy consumption of the building. It is of great significance to accurately detect the thermal resistance of the building enclosure structure to reduce the building energy consumption. This paper introduces several common walls at present. On the basis of the basic principle of the widely used heat flow meter, this paper puts forward a new method of detecting the thermal resistance of a new enclosure structure on the basis of the basic principle of the widely used heat flow meter. On this basis, the design of the test equipment is improved and the new test party is made. The portability and maneuverability of the equipment are greatly improved in the process of field testing, which provides great convenience for the field test of wall thermal resistance. The main equipment and the working principle of the new test system are introduced in detail, and the methods of installation and the attention of the installation process are explained, and the number of the equipment is also introduced. According to the process of collecting and processing, the heat transfer process of the wall and the wall surface is analyzed. According to the heat transfer process of the wall, the factors that may affect the test are speculated. In the process of testing, the effective way is chosen to avoid the influence of these unfavorable factors on the test results. With the help of a powerful numerical simulation tool, A NSYS simulated the heat transfer process of the wall in the testing process of the new test system. The actual test system was simplified, the physical model of the numerical simulation was established, the grid was divided and the boundary conditions of the model were set up corresponding to the actual test conditions. The numerical analysis on the steady state and the unsteady state process was carried out respectively. The temperature on each wall surface was observed and the temperature was observed. The distribution of heat flow density is discussed and analyzed. The three-dimensional character of the heat transfer in the enclosure structure and the change of the heat flow along the heating center of the enclosure structure are discussed. It provides a certain theoretical support for the new type of enclosure structure thermal resistance detection method. The two-sided heat flow meter is used to calculate the heat flow of the heat flow using the hot side wall surface and the cold side wall surface instead of the heat flow value of the single side wall test. The results show that the double side heat flow meter can significantly improve the accuracy of the test. The stability time of the heat flow is much faster than the stable time of the single side heat flow. For the field testing of the changeable test environment, it can shorten the test time as soon as possible, which is of great significance to avoid the adverse factors which have a significant impact on the test.
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