[Abstract]:In 1980s and 1990s, a large number of reinforced concrete bottom frame upper masonry buildings were built in China. The large space of the bottom floor of the bottom frame building is mostly used for commercial purposes, and the fire load is large, once the fire is on fire, the damage is serious. In addition, the vertical stiffness of this kind of structure is uneven, the upper stiffness is not uniform, the upper frame is flexible, the seismic performance is poor, and how is the structure safe under fire? The fire in Hengyang, Hunan Province in 2003 and the "1.2" fire in 2015 in Haerbin Nanxun Market, which caused the partial collapse of houses after the fire, not only caused the loss of property, but also paid the price of life. The collapsed building is a base frame structure, built in the 1980s and 1990s, and the seismic fortification intensity is 6 degrees. What happens if the building is located in the seismic fortification area of seven or eight degrees? The proposition mentioned above is the problem that this subject tries to study. In this paper, the fine modeling technology of reinforced concrete structures under fire based on Abaqus software is studied, and the fire resistance of similar existing bottom frame structures in different seismic fortification intensity regions is analyzed. The aim of this paper is to study the fire resistance of the base frame structure in different seismic fortification intensity areas, which can provide reference for engineering safety assessment and fire rescue. The main research contents are as follows: (1) based on Abaqus finite element software, the relevant parameters in the fine modeling technology of reinforced concrete structures under fire are studied. The above research results are used to model and calculate the existing experiments in the literature and to compare the data. Therefore, the correctness of the research results is verified. 2) according to the 89 series code, the structural design of a commercial residential building in different seismic fortification intensity zones is carried out, and a specific bottom frame structure in each intensity zone model is selected as the research object. At the same time, the section and reinforcement of each member in the specific structure are compared. 3) the specific bottom frame structure in the seven degree region is selected, and the load transfer of the upper masonry of the specific bottom frame structure under the condition of fire at the bottom layer and under the condition of the fire at the bottom and the second floor at the bottom, respectively, is carried out. The load distribution on the bracket and the mechanical properties of the bottom frame are studied. This paper probes into the stress characteristics of the base frame structure before and after fire (.4) compares and analyzes the fire resistance limit and failure mechanism of the specific bottom frame structure under different seismic fortification intensity zones under the condition of the fire at the bottom two stories, and studies the fire resistance performance of the frame structure. It is shown that the fire resistance limit of frame columns in different intensity zones is not up to the requirements of the Code for Building Design Fire Resistance (GBJ16-87).
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