[Abstract]:In China's urban and rural planning system, the planning and management of individual housing construction activities has not yet formed a perfect system. In cities, there are often controversial behaviors of heads of household to add, rebuild or even demolish houses (villas). Although the planning department thinks that it is necessary to intervene in the intervention, but because of the lack of management basis, the law enforcement standards and control measures are not clear in the management. In rural areas, the construction of single house (self-built house) is still in a relatively spontaneous and random state, resulting in the rural public space, environment and landscape are often destroyed by the lack of control of self-construction activities, and the protection and continuation of traditional style and features is even more difficult. In the United Kingdom, where the main forms of residential buildings in urban and rural areas are single houses (including self-contained houses, double housing units and contiguous houses), after more than 100 years of planning and building management development, a set of mature houses has formed. The effective regulation and control system and strategy method of the single house, and the planning examination and approval, design and construction management of the single house have been formed at the local level. This paper introduces the legislative evolution, program design and strategic methods of regulating and controlling the activities of single house construction in Britain, hoping that it can be used as a reference material for the future system construction of our country. The author thinks that the experience of "planning and building coordination management", "setting the scope of permission approval" and "authorizing the third party to participate in management" carried out by the British system is worthy of reference by the planning departments of our country.
【作者单位】: 湖南大学建筑学院城乡规划系;
【基金】:湖南省省重点研发计划(2016SK2011) 国家教育部博士点基金项目(20130161120047) 留学回国人员科研启动基金项目(20141685) 中央高校基本业务费共同资助
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