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发布时间:2018-07-22 15:16
【摘要】:人类生存的物质基础就是能源,发展也离不开能源的持续利用。但是地球上的化石能源是有限的,人类不得不面对能源日益紧缺的现状,这就需要人们在不断改造世界的过程中,积极的开发和利用可再生能源,来使人类的发展做到可持续。我国虽然在太阳能与建筑的结合方面走到了世界的前列,但是很多的高层建筑并没有考虑到安装太阳能的方便性,造成了太阳能排布的困难及楼顶集热面积有限等问题。本文首先对太阳能热水系统进行了介绍,并且针对集中集热分户储热系统给了一个工程案例,本案例包含32栋楼,集热器总面积总计为5686 m2,每户平均拥有集热面积1.02 m2。详细讲解了案例的设计原理,及每栋楼的太阳能保证率,并且对冬季的温度进行了校核。文章对系统的运行原理分成四个部分进行了详细的说明,包含太阳能集热器、缓冲水箱等主要部件的顶层部分,包含储热水箱、用水点等主要部件的标准层部分,包含减压阀、压力表等主要部件的减压部分,包含底层水泵的底层原理部分。并且对整个太阳能热水系统的控制流程及运行方式原理进行了阐述。其次,本文对高层建筑的主要特点进行了阐述,并着重对太阳能的保证率低这个主要特征进行了详细的分析。基础水温的取值,每户1.02m2均集热面积的情况下,年平均太阳能保证率为35%,达不到用户的要求。文章还对17个样本建筑进行分析,并用Origin8.0软件进行数据的分析拟合,得出了一过原点的拟合曲线为S1=0.275S0,标准差为0.0134。文章还分析了太阳能保证率与集热面积、时间、保温情况(热损失率)、终止水温等其它因素之间的关系。另外,文章通过计算得出辅助电加热在不同条件下的加热时间,最大的平均加热时间出现在1月份,每天的加热时间长达2h;最小的平均加热时间出现在6月份,每天的加热时间为0.33h。通过加热时间的多少反映了用户使用传统能源的多少。加热时间越少说明太阳能的供给比例越大,效果越好;反之效果越差。最后,本文给出了太阳能热水系统在高层建筑中应用应注意的问题,建议在设计中考虑加入四个模块,并对太阳能应用在高层建筑上的前景进行了展望。
[Abstract]:The material foundation of human existence is energy, and development is inseparable from the sustainable use of energy. However, the fossil energy on the earth is limited, and human beings have to face the increasingly scarce energy, which requires people to actively develop and use renewable energy in the process of constantly transforming the world, so that human development can be sustainable. Although our country has come to the forefront of the world in the combination of solar energy and architecture, many high-rise buildings have not considered the convenience of installing solar energy, resulting in the difficulty of solar energy arrangement and the limited heat collection area of the roof. This paper first introduces the solar water heating system, and gives a project case for the concentrated heat collection and storage system. This case includes 32 buildings, the total area of the collector is 5686 m2, and the average collector area is 1.02 m2 per household. The design principle of the case and the solar energy guarantee rate of each building are explained in detail, and the winter temperature is checked. The operating principle of the system is divided into four parts, including the top part of the solar collector, the buffer tank, the standard layer part of the main parts, such as the hot water tank, the water point, and the pressure reducing valve. Pressure gauge and other main parts of the decompression part, including the underlying principle of the bottom water pump. The control flow and operation principle of the whole solar hot water system are expounded. Secondly, this paper expounds the main characteristics of high-rise buildings, and focuses on the low guarantee rate of solar energy, which is the main characteristics of the detailed analysis. Under the condition that the basic water temperature is selected and the 1.02m2 of each household is concentrated, the annual average solar energy guarantee rate is 35 and can not meet the requirements of the users. The paper also analyzes 17 sample buildings, and uses Origin8.0 software to analyze and fit the data. The fitting curve of one-pass origin is S1 / 0.275S0 and the standard deviation is 0.0134. The relationship between solar energy guarantee rate and other factors, such as heat collecting area, time, heat preservation (heat loss rate), water temperature termination and so on, is also analyzed. In addition, by calculating the heating time of auxiliary electric heating under different conditions, the maximum average heating time appears in January, the heating time of every day is up to 2 hours, and the minimum average heating time appears in June. The heating time is 0.33 h per day. The amount of heating time reflects how much users use traditional energy. The smaller the heating time, the greater the supply ratio of solar energy, the better the effect; otherwise, the worse the effect. Finally, the paper gives the problems that should be paid attention to in the application of solar water heating system in high-rise buildings, and suggests that four modules should be added to the design, and the prospect of solar energy application in high-rise buildings is prospected.


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