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发布时间:2018-07-23 14:02
[Abstract]:China has a long history, vast territory, cultural relics and various kinds of heritage, all over the motherland north and south. The traditional settlements and houses in Taihang Mountain are famous for their distinctive regional features, traditional architectural features and simple folk customs, and have become an important part of Chinese traditional cultural heritage. Wang Naocun's ancient houses, which combine the architectural characteristics and unique styles of Sichuan and southern Hebei, have been appraised as the famous villages of Chinese history and culture, Chinese traditional ancient villages, and the most attractive and leisure villages in China. It is a well-preserved material and spiritual wealth. Based on the basic theories of architecture and urban planning, this paper summarizes the settlement, architecture, plane and space, facades and shapes of traditional settlements and houses in WangNao Village of Shahe City. At the same time, the characteristics of structure and technology are integrated into the thoughts of geography, ethnology, humanities and social sciences. By using the method of literature analysis, field investigation and comparative analysis, Wang Nao Village has been studied more deeply. This paper finds out the commonness and individuality, progress and deficiency of Wang Naocun as the settlement and residence of north and south amalgamation with other traditional settlements, and provides the realistic basis for the inheritance and protection of traditional settlements and houses in our country. First of all, through sorting out and summarizing the research results of traditional settlements and houses at home and abroad, to understand the current research situation and research background in this field. Secondly, through on-the-spot investigation and investigation, in-depth visits, the local cultural environment, location planning characteristics, road texture, function and spatial layout, and the space layout of the courtyard are discussed in detail. The facade and shape of the residence and the technical characteristics of the local construction are analyzed and summarized respectively the causes and characteristics of the settlement and the dwelling. Finally, it is concluded that the traditional settlement of WangNao Village is a blood-related village with red architecture and horseshoe shape. The traditional houses have the architectural form of "blockhouse" and "southeastern shortage", and have created the connection of "secret door to each other" in the compound of courtyard. The traditional settlement of Wang Naocun is a combination of natural environment and human environment. It is the product of a specific region and a specific background of the times. It has a unique historical environment, distinct regional characteristics and settlement forms. Both the selection of materials, courtyard combination, facade modeling and construction technology are of high historical, cultural, architectural and artistic value. The traditional settlements and houses are the essence of the efforts and wisdom of several generations, which have been condensed for hundreds or even thousands of years. The author hopes to be inspired by the research of the traditional settlements and houses, and to provide some ideas for the modern architectural creation. To provide some reference for the protection and development of traditional settlements and houses.


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