[Abstract]:Urban ecological space is an important part of urban space. It is a cross-research field of human geography, urban planning, ecology and so on. Based on the comprehensive analysis of relevant literature at home and abroad, this paper defines the concept of urban ecological space, summarizes the research progress and limitations of urban ecological space in China, and points out the role and mechanism of foreign research in urban ecological space to the well-being of residents. Ecological space perception, usage behavior and its influencing factors, economic, social and cultural effects of ecological space and its mechanism, methods and principles of ecological space management, Under the guidance of the concept of equity, important progress has been made in five aspects, such as ecological spatial pattern and its optimization. In the research method, pay attention to space analysis, psychological perception and social investigation and other methods of application. Based on the limitations of domestic research and foreign research progress, it is proposed that the urban ecological space in China should take the well-being of the residents as the core and attach importance to the study of the interaction and mechanism of social-ecological space. The research on the equity of ecological spatial pattern and its planning mode should be carried out, and the research on spatial governance and optimization of urban ecological space should be strengthened, and the research methods should be integrated into the humanistic and economic geography research thought and its comprehensive method.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所;中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室;中国科学院大学;
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