[Abstract]:Subway station public area decoration materials, high quality requirements, public area decoration materials supply generally a way. In order to satisfy the overall decoration effect of the public area, A supply material needs to be based on the design drawing, combined with the actual amount of the actual reserved size of the site civil construction, drawing out the first draft of the typesetting plan, summarizing the professional hole opening position of each system, and forming the final draft. After obtaining the design consent, print out the typesetting chart. After submitting the typesetting drawing to the manufacturer, the manufacturer numbers the decoration material plate according to the typesetting drawing, and orders are put into production after the verification of the plate, angle code number, construction, supervision, and construction unit. In this way, the material size can meet the site actual civil reservation, and the overall material decoration effect can meet the design requirements. After setting out the order, all the opening reservation is completed in the factory, avoiding the random opening in the construction site, ensuring the beauty of the details of the station decoration, not because of the random opening and filling holes, forming failure, affecting the overall aesthetic effect of the station. Public area decoration materials layout orders, known as the design drawings of the second deepening design. Through the public area decoration material layout order, this kind of technical management means, provides the value-added service for the project construction management.
【作者单位】: 中国水利水电第四工程局有限公司深圳地铁7号线建设指挥部;
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