[Abstract]:At present, non-load-bearing wood skeleton composite wall is not used much in our country, and it is in the stage of popularization and development. In view of its fire performance research is less, generally limited to the study of fire resistance limit, usually set a certain thickness of anti-fire gypsum board can meet the fire limit requirements. The spread of flame from the window hole on the exterior wall is relatively complex, which is also one of the main forms of fire spread in the building, so this paper mainly focuses on the vertical spread of the fire in the wood skeleton composite external wall. In this paper, the spread of fire on the wood skeleton composite exterior wall is simulated by FDS numerical simulation, and the feasibility and applicability of FDS for the fire simulation are verified by comparing and analyzing the small scale fire test and software simulation. The fire simulation of non-load-bearing wood skeleton composite exterior wall was carried out by using FDS. The vertical spread of fire on the composite exterior wall was studied by setting different fire prevention eaves, window sill walls, window openings, wind speeds and different maintenance structures. At the same time, the paper analyzes and compares the spread of the fire from the window hole and the door hole on the combined exterior wall, and concludes the following conclusions: (1) compared with the location and thickness, the width of the fire-proof eaves has the greatest influence on the fire spread on the combined exterior wall. When the width is increased from zero to 500mm, the effect is obvious. (2) although the fire can be prevented from spreading vertically in the composite wall, the effect becomes less and less obvious with the increase of the height of the sill wall, so when the condition is limited, The combination of sill wall and fire-proof eaves can be considered to prevent the fire from spreading vertically on the composite wall. (3) the increase of the width of the window opening promotes the spread of the fire on the composite wall, and the increase of the height will slow down the fire spread, so when the size of the window hole is designed, In addition, the lower the opening position of the window, the greater the impact of the flame and smoke on the combined exterior wall. Therefore, it is suggested that the location of the window entrance should be as high as possible. (4) the influence of wind on the vertical spread of the fire on the combined exterior wall is more complicated. In this paper, only the vertical wind wall is considered, with the increase of the wind speed, the fire temperature increases gradually in the combined exterior wall. But the influence becomes smaller gradually. (5) when there is a fire in the room, compared with the entrance of the door, the flame and smoke from the window hole have a greater impact on the combined exterior wall. However, the flame ejected from the entrance of the door will have a great impact on the adjacent buildings. (6) through the fire simulation study of plasterboard and wood hanging board, it is concluded that the wood hanging board accelerates the spread of fire on the combined exterior wall. When the combustion heat release rate of the external panel material increases, the temperature of the combined exterior wall increases. Therefore, when setting external boards, must use high fire-resistance or through special fire-resistant materials.
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