发布时间:2018-08-13 17:21
【摘要】:建筑节能在建筑发展中越来越重要,可降低能源消耗和减少污染物排放。其中,钢结构建筑已被公认为一种新型能效建筑,具有构件截面小、运输安装方便、可回收再利用等特点,但具有不耐高温的特性,需要对其进行隔热防火保护措施。相比较其他建筑隔热防火材料,SiO_2气凝胶具有优异的隔热防火性能。采用溶胶-凝胶两步法和常压干燥方法制备的洗水棉气凝胶复合材料、玻璃纤维气凝胶复合材料和硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料,它们的初始分解温度分别为269 ℃、382 ℃和382 ℃,最大分解温度分别为438 ℃、429 ℃和418 ℃,最大分解速率分别为5.65%/min、0.62%/min和0.68%/min,质量残留量分别为50.1%、92.2%和92.2%;在800 ℃中加热1小时,洗水棉气凝胶复合材料出现气凝胶脱落,玻璃纤维气凝胶复合材料出现玻璃纤维融化现象,说明硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料具有更好的热稳定性能。用硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料作为钢构件的防火保护材料并计算了其厚度。随着气凝胶复合材料厚度的增加,截面保护层的温度变化参数B减小,钢构件温度-耐火时间的指数函数曲线趋近于一元线性方程;当钢构件温度T为500 ℃时,耐火时间为30 min、60 min、90 min、120 min、150 min和180 min,所对应的硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料的保护厚度分别为1.50 mm、2.84 mm、4.21 mm、5.59 mm、6.94 mm和8.30 mm,说明在同一个钢构件温度下,随着耐火时间的增加,硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料的厚度随着增加;当耐火时间t=3 h时,钢构件温度为300 ℃、400 ℃、500 ℃和600 ℃所对应的硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料的保护厚度分别为17.6 mm、11.81 mm、8.30 mm和5.84 mm,说明在同一个耐火时间下,随着钢构件温度的增加,硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料的厚度随着减小。硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料对钢板的防火性能进行测试。随着气凝胶复合材料的厚度增大,吸热量会增大;在同一个热阻下,钢板侧温度越高所需的延迟时间越长;在同一个钢构件温度下,热阻越大所需延迟时间越长;不同的气凝胶复合材料厚度会有不同的热阻,热阻越大对钢板侧温度的影响越大。硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料对钢结构防火保护测试1 h时,3 mm、6 mm和12 mm厚的防火保护材料对应的钢板侧温度分别为121.6℃、96.2 ℃和78.2 ℃,远低于钢板软化温度(550 ℃),说明硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料具有优异的防火性能。硅酸铝纤维气凝胶复合材料对钢结构具有良好的防火性能,在超高层建筑、机场、车站、科技场馆等建筑中具有广泛的应用前景。
[Abstract]:Building energy conservation is becoming more and more important in building development, which can reduce energy consumption and pollutant emission. Among them, steel structure building has been recognized as a new type of energy-efficient building, with the characteristics of small section, convenient transportation and installation, recyclable and reuse, but not high temperature resistance, so it is necessary to carry out heat insulation and fire protection measures. Compared with other building thermal insulation and fire resistant materials, SiO2 aerogel has excellent thermal insulation and fire resistance. The initial decomposition temperatures of washing cotton aerogel composite, glass fiber aerogel composite and aluminum silicate fiber aerogel composite prepared by sol-gel two-step method and atmospheric pressure drying method are 269 鈩,
[Abstract]:Building energy conservation is becoming more and more important in building development, which can reduce energy consumption and pollutant emission. Among them, steel structure building has been recognized as a new type of energy-efficient building, with the characteristics of small section, convenient transportation and installation, recyclable and reuse, but not high temperature resistance, so it is necessary to carry out heat insulation and fire protection measures. Compared with other building thermal insulation and fire resistant materials, SiO2 aerogel has excellent thermal insulation and fire resistance. The initial decomposition temperatures of washing cotton aerogel composite, glass fiber aerogel composite and aluminum silicate fiber aerogel composite prepared by sol-gel two-step method and atmospheric pressure drying method are 269 鈩,