[Abstract]:Green building is an important part of urban sustainable development strategy. The study on the self-organizing development pattern and law of green building has positive significance for enriching and perfecting the theory of green building development and urban space, and can provide a solid foundation for the policy making of green building. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the development pattern and evolution characteristics of green architecture in China and America in terms of its development scale, regional distribution, technological and market characteristics, and summarizes the common laws and different characteristics of the development of green buildings in the two countries. The results show that the green buildings in China and the United States are in different stages of the S-shaped development curve, and the scale of green buildings has significant geographical differences, and is significantly correlated with the total amount of local economic activities. The application of green building technology, the product type and the evolution course of the main body of development in both countries also embody the market logic leading role of green development. The development of green building technology in America is more stable, and the role of social non-profit organizations can not be ignored. The development of green building in China more embodies the role of external factors in the innovation and evolution of complex systems, and the application of green building technology is more prominent in demonstrating the benefits; therefore, more attention should be paid to the promotion and diffusion of external factors and technology applications. To promote the rapid development of green buildings.
【作者单位】: 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院;上海实业发展股份有限公司;中国城市科学研究会;
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