[Abstract]:With the arrival of a new upsurge in the application of BIM technology in construction projects in China, it is impossible for both parties to ignore the cooperative work of BIM technology in the design, bidding, construction and other stages. Based on this, this paper takes the full cycle implementation of BIM technology in a five-star resort hotel as a practical problem. Based on the theory of information value chain, the paper puts forward the hypothesis, and studies how to solve the problem of information transmission efficiency from the design stage to the bidding stage to the construction stage. It is proved by practical examples that the model can greatly improve the efficiency of the above business and reduce the parties' wrangling in the link of project to the quantity, and so on, and it is proved that the model can improve the working efficiency of the above mentioned business to a large extent and reduce the wrangling of all parties in the project. To some extent, it alleviates the problem of lack of trust caused by asymmetric information. This paper analyzes the interaction between the BIM model and the calculation software in the design stage, and analyzes the reasons for the difference between the BIM calculation quantity and the traditional calculation quantity of architecture, structure, decoration, electromechanical specialty, etc. This paper verifies the parameterized BIM quick calculation method of electromechanical installation specialty, and combs the collaborative work flow of BIM and traditional calculation quantity. The results show that the fast calculation of the design model plays a positive role in the information flow of the BIM model in the design stage, and it can effectively improve the efficiency of calculation in the cost consulting industry. In this paper, the method of component standardization is studied in terms of external environment, internal attributes and transformation from design model to cost model. Taking the specialty of reinforcement as an example, this paper analyzes the influence of component parameters and calculation settings on the results of engineering quantity calculation, and summarizes the standard work flow of BIM calculation and traditional calculation quantity checking. The verification and confirmation method of engineering quantity based on BIM model platform is explored, and the flowsheet proposal of applying BIM to implement fine management in construction stage is put forward. Through the research and the demonstration analysis, it is proved that the BIM model in the design stage is quickly calculated, and the standardization of the BIM model and the information maintenance, and the BIM engineering quantity is checked quickly in the construction stage. The work mode of engineering quantity calculation and check in cost consulting industry, which takes engineering quantity as object, provides an innovative method for fine management of cost industry based on BIM technology. The main chapters of this paper are based on Hainan hotel project case analysis, design, experiment and validation of the feasibility and reliability of each sub-method, the establishment of the design stage of Revit model, bidding stage BIM model, bidding stage traditional calculation model. In the construction stage, there are more than 10 BIM-5D fine models, more than 200 experiments are carried out, and through the metering payment in May to June 2016, it is proved that the rapid checking work mode based on BIM has high economic benefit. The result of this paper has strong practical significance.
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