[Abstract]:Neonatal intensive care (NICU) is a comprehensive and multidisciplinary mode of treatment, which refers to continuous nursing care, complex surgical treatment, continuous respiratory support and other strong interventions for critically ill newborns with unstable conditions. Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is an important place for intensive care, treatment and nursing of critical neonates. But with a large number of neonatal intensive care, the quality of which is mixed, leading to a lot of domestic NICU, such as inadequate scale, unreasonable layout, non-standard reconstruction, improper nursing care, improper hand hygiene, and so on. So it is urgent to study the design of NICU. Through the investigation and research on the neonatal intensive care center in the existing hospitals, combined with the theory of neonate science and architecture, this paper studies the overall planning, functional zoning, spatial structure and related specialties of the neonatal intensive care center. Plane analysis icon, spatial analysis icon and detail diagram are used to show the advantages and disadvantages of the existing neonatal intensive care center in general hospitals and some design suggestions are summarized. The innovation of this paper lies in the detailed expression of NICU space layout and function room in the form of plane map, space map, technical parameter table and so on. The detailed design suggestions of NICU in the aspects of location selection, scale positioning, plane layout, process streamline, functional room and so on are put forward to provide reference for medical architects and medical practitioners.
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