发布时间:2018-09-13 21:49
【摘要】:随着社会的进步,人们已经逐渐掌握了如何使用和控制火源,但在使用过程中,不当的使用方式就会造成灾难——火灾。火灾是威胁人类文明发展的因素之一,阻碍人类社会的发展,危害社会公共安全。火灾是常见的灾难事故之一,严重威胁人民的生命和财产安全,根据世界消防统计中心的统计数据显示,全球每年发生的火灾事故高达6亿至7亿次,造成6.5~7.5万人次的死亡,给人民造成无法估量的损失。目前火灾科学研究的重点是火灾发生时如何疏散人群将伤亡降到最低,火灾直接分析法和计算机模拟仿真是研究火灾的两类主要方法,前者在火灾发生后,根据火灾发生特点,行人逃生情况,以及视频数据对火灾进行分析;后者是采用计算机仿真技术假设火灾按照仿真设定的情景发生,仿真行人疏散过程,获取仿真数据,分析仿真结果,从而用于指导人群疏散,减少人员伤亡、财产损失。本文对国内外火灾疏散仿真领域的研究现状进行研究分析,利用计算机相关技术、火灾仿真和微观行人仿真等理论知识,在原有系统基础上,使用C++编程技术,完成了火灾场景下行人疏散仿真系统。系统使用MFC作为开发环境,使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2015作为开发IDE,使用Open GL作为图像渲染工具。论文对国内外火灾仿真领域进行研究,使用FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator,火灾动力学模拟)软件作为系统的火灾模拟数据收集工具;对微观行人仿真模型进行研究,分析元胞自动机模型和社会力模型的优缺点,选用社会力模型作为系统的理论模型基础;分析火灾发生时的火灾产物,考虑这些火灾产物对行人安全疏散的影响。Frantzich和Nilsson的研究表明,火灾烟雾能够降低消光系数,从而影响行人行走速度;Purser研究结果表明,火灾中有毒气体对行人的危害可以使用分数有效剂量FED(Fractional Effective Dose)进行量化。高温影响行人的行走路径,同时行人长时间处于高温状态下时也会烧伤、失能。根据这些研究,将火灾场景下火灾产物对行人疏散的影响实现到系统中。系统对仿真过程中的数据进行图形化渲染,实时显示火灾温度数据、火灾烟雾数据以及行人疏散路径,与此同时将仿真过程中产生的数据:疏散人数、疏散时间、疏散效率、失能人数,受伤程度,受伤因素以及行人路径等作为系统数据输出。
[Abstract]:With the progress of society, people have gradually mastered how to use and control the source of fire, but in the process of use, improper use will cause disaster-fire. Fire is one of the factors threatening the development of human civilization, hindering the development of human society and endangering public safety. Fire is one of the most common disasters, which seriously threatens the lives and property of people. According to the statistics of the World Fire Statistics Center, there are 600 million to 700 million fire accidents in the world every year, resulting in 6.5 to 75000 deaths. Cause incalculable damage to the people. At present, the focal point of fire science research is how to evacuate people to minimize the casualties when the fire occurs. Direct fire analysis and computer simulation are two main methods to study fire, the former is based on the characteristics of fire after the fire occurs. The latter uses computer simulation technology to assume that the fire happens according to the scenario set by the simulation, simulates the pedestrian evacuation process, obtains the simulation data, and analyzes the simulation results. So as to guide the evacuation of people, reduce casualties, property losses. In this paper, the current situation of fire evacuation simulation at home and abroad is studied and analyzed. Based on the theoretical knowledge of computer related technology, fire simulation and micro pedestrian simulation, C programming technology is used on the basis of the original system. The fire scene downlink evacuation simulation system is completed. The system uses MFC as development environment, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 as development IDE, and Open GL as image rendering tool. This paper studies the fire simulation field at home and abroad, uses the FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator, fire dynamics simulation software as the system fire simulation data collection tool, carries on the research to the microscopic pedestrian simulation model, The advantages and disadvantages of cellular automata model and social force model are analyzed, and the social force model is chosen as the theoretical model of the system. Considering the effects of these fire products on pedestrian safety evacuation. Frantzich and Nilsson studies show that fire smoke can reduce extinction coefficient and thus affect pedestrian walking speed. The hazard of toxic gases to pedestrians in fire can be quantified by fractional effective dose (FED (Fractional Effective Dose). The high temperature affects the walking path of the pedestrian, and the pedestrian burns and becomes incapacitated when the pedestrian is in the high temperature state for a long time. According to these studies, the effect of fire products on pedestrian evacuation in fire scene is realized. The system makes graphical rendering of the data in the simulation process and displays fire temperature data, fire smoke data and pedestrian evacuation path in real time. At the same time, the data generated in the simulation process: the number of evacuees, evacuation time, evacuation efficiency, etc. The number of disabled persons, the degree of injury, the injury factors and the pedestrian path are used as the data output of the system.
[Abstract]:With the progress of society, people have gradually mastered how to use and control the source of fire, but in the process of use, improper use will cause disaster-fire. Fire is one of the factors threatening the development of human civilization, hindering the development of human society and endangering public safety. Fire is one of the most common disasters, which seriously threatens the lives and property of people. According to the statistics of the World Fire Statistics Center, there are 600 million to 700 million fire accidents in the world every year, resulting in 6.5 to 75000 deaths. Cause incalculable damage to the people. At present, the focal point of fire science research is how to evacuate people to minimize the casualties when the fire occurs. Direct fire analysis and computer simulation are two main methods to study fire, the former is based on the characteristics of fire after the fire occurs. The latter uses computer simulation technology to assume that the fire happens according to the scenario set by the simulation, simulates the pedestrian evacuation process, obtains the simulation data, and analyzes the simulation results. So as to guide the evacuation of people, reduce casualties, property losses. In this paper, the current situation of fire evacuation simulation at home and abroad is studied and analyzed. Based on the theoretical knowledge of computer related technology, fire simulation and micro pedestrian simulation, C programming technology is used on the basis of the original system. The fire scene downlink evacuation simulation system is completed. The system uses MFC as development environment, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 as development IDE, and Open GL as image rendering tool. This paper studies the fire simulation field at home and abroad, uses the FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator, fire dynamics simulation software as the system fire simulation data collection tool, carries on the research to the microscopic pedestrian simulation model, The advantages and disadvantages of cellular automata model and social force model are analyzed, and the social force model is chosen as the theoretical model of the system. Considering the effects of these fire products on pedestrian safety evacuation. Frantzich and Nilsson studies show that fire smoke can reduce extinction coefficient and thus affect pedestrian walking speed. The hazard of toxic gases to pedestrians in fire can be quantified by fractional effective dose (FED (Fractional Effective Dose). The high temperature affects the walking path of the pedestrian, and the pedestrian burns and becomes incapacitated when the pedestrian is in the high temperature state for a long time. According to these studies, the effect of fire products on pedestrian evacuation in fire scene is realized. The system makes graphical rendering of the data in the simulation process and displays fire temperature data, fire smoke data and pedestrian evacuation path in real time. At the same time, the data generated in the simulation process: the number of evacuees, evacuation time, evacuation efficiency, etc. The number of disabled persons, the degree of injury, the injury factors and the pedestrian path are used as the data output of the system.
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