[Abstract]:The traditional vacuum preloading method has some problems such as the single consolidation area can not be too large and the sealing film is easy to leak. In view of the above problems, a new type of vacuum preloading method, which replaces the seal membrane with mud seal layer, can increase the area of vacuum preloading, save the cost of using the sealing film and solve the problem of filling up the earth. In order to explore the reinforcement effect of the improved vacuum preloading method and its influencing factors, laboratory model tests and numerical simulation were carried out. Through model tests, the variation of soil displacement, pore pressure at a specific location and soil surface settlement with time during vacuum pumping with different loading methods was studied. By comparing the physical properties of soil before and after preloading, it is concluded that the effect of vacuum preloading without film is better, and the reinforcement effect can be improved by step loading, and the numerical simulation is carried out by PFC2D software. The motion law of soil particles during vacuum preloading without film was studied. The numerical simulation results show that under the vacuum pressure, the soil particles gather near the drainage plate, and the blockage of the drainage plate can be reduced to a certain extent by the method of graded loading, so that the better treatment effect can be achieved.
【作者单位】: 滨海土木工程结构与安全教育部重点实验室;天津大学建筑工程学院;
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