[Abstract]:This paper selects Yang Zan, a temple of Shifu Temple in Qingzhou Section of Shandong Province in Tang Dynasty, as the research object, and mainly discusses the relationship between the tower and Yang Zan, the main tower of the tower. Provides a case study for the construction of the Little Dragon and Tiger Tower in the Tang Dynasty and its participation in personnel activities. This paper is divided into three chapters, the core question is why Yang Zan chose the Little Dragon and Tiger Tower as the object of construction. This relates to the significance of Tarim and Tarim to Tang people such as Yang Zan, which is precisely the connotation of the material carrier given by the belief culture of Tang Dynasty. Therefore, the first chapter mainly analyzes the pagoda Ming of Yang Zan, and discusses the content and writing format of the pagoda. The second chapter mainly analyzes the architectural modeling and tower image elements of Yang Zan, traces the source of these shapes and images and the objects that may be used for reference, and considers how the craftsmen merge on the basis of inheritance and combine various elements to innovate the pagoda. Then it discusses the use and meaning of these forms in Yang Zan's tower building. After the interpretation of Yang Zan's tower building ontology, the third chapter puts the tower in the historical time and space, discusses its historical conditions and cultural background, and then considers the Buddhist belief method used by the Tang people to deal with the concept of death. And the impact of the small dragon and tiger tower on later generations. On the basis of the previous understanding, this paper holds that the small dragon and tiger tower, represented by Yang Zan's pagoda in the Tang Dynasty, in addition to its function and attribute of "seeking for happiness", also has a variety of uses such as engraving, offering and viewing, etc. It is a kind of comprehensive architectural art, and it is also a material entity that combines the concept of death with the belief of Buddhism, and is a typical work created by the government to serve the culture of life and death in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.
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