[Abstract]:The multi-scale finite element model and the simplified finite element model are established by using MIDAS/GEN software to analyze the stress state of a large-span cantilever steel corridor after unloading. The detailed model is used in the corbel joint of the structure, and the simulation results of the multi-scale finite element model of the beam element and the simplified model using all the beam elements are compared and analyzed. It can be found that both of them can keep the same stress and deformation in the whole structure, but the simplified model can not reflect the complex stress state at the corbel joint. The multi-scale model can obviously observe the local stress of each plate at the corbel joint, and can reflect the torsional effect of the corbel steel beam, which is of great significance to the analysis of the safety of the corbel joint. At the same time, the actual monitoring results of stress are closer to the results of multi-scale simulation, which further proves that the multi-scale finite element analysis method is accurate and reliable, thus providing a more powerful technical support for the safety of construction and unloading.
【作者单位】: 福建省建筑科学研究院;福建省绿色建筑技术重点实验室;
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