[Abstract]:Steel-prefabricated reinforced concrete composite beam is a new type of steel-concrete composite beam. The precast ribbed concrete floor is placed on the flange of the steel beam, and the concrete is poured on the floor to form a composite floor. The longitudinal shear force between the steel beam and the composite floor is transferred by the shear joint welded to the flange of the steel beam, so that the two can work together. In this paper, the forms and applications of traditional steel-concrete composite beams and existing fabricated steel-concrete composite beams are summarized, and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. On this basis, the technical and economic advantages of a new type of steel-precast concrete composite beam with ribbed concrete are summarized, and its basic principle, construction and construction method are introduced in detail. In order to explore the flexural design method of steel-precast reinforced concrete composite beams, this paper summarizes the domestic and foreign scholars' experimental and theoretical research on steel-concrete composite beams. The mechanical model of simply supported laminated composite beam subjected to two-point concentrated load is established. The model takes into account the effects of prefabricated floor joints, prefabrication rates and relative slippage on the interface. The equations are derived from the stress balance conditions and deformation coordination conditions of steel beams and superimposed floor micro-elements. The calculation method of flexural stiffness of composite beams with laminated plates is derived. The deformation curve of a new composite beam with laminated plates at the elastic stage, the relative slip at the interface, and the calculation method of the elastic flexural bearing capacity are also derived in this paper. In addition, based on the plastic stress distribution of composite beam when it reaches the limit state, a simplified calculation method for ultimate flexural bearing capacity of a new composite beam with laminated plates is established in this paper. In order to verify the accuracy of the calculation method, four point bending tests were carried out on 9 steel-precast concrete composite beam specimens and 1 steel-cast-in-situ concrete composite beam specimen. The failure modes and moment-deflection curves of composite beams were recorded and analyzed. The main test parameters are the thickness of superimposed floor, the length of prefabricated floor, the spacing of bolt, the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement and the form of floor. In this paper, the influence of these test parameters on the flexural behavior of composite beams with laminated plates is analyzed. Based on the results of four-point bending test, the formulas proposed in this paper for the flexural stiffness, elastic deformation, elastic flexural capacity and ultimate flexural capacity of steel-precast reinforced concrete composite beams are verified. The calculation results of these formulas are in good agreement with the measured results and meet the requirements of engineering design accuracy. In addition, the slip distribution at the interface between steel beam and concrete floor is studied under different loads, and the influence of precast ratio on the flexural behavior of steel-precast concrete composite slab composite beam is studied with precast ratio as the analysis parameter.
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