发布时间:2019-01-27 10:45
【摘要】:静态破碎技术是一种特殊的爆破方法,具有无噪声、无飞石、无毒气、无粉尘和无爆破震动等优点,解决了大多数施工条件较为苛刻的建筑物破除难题。而使用静态破碎剂在破裂钢筋混凝土构件的工程应用中,钢筋的存在导致混凝土拆除难度增大。论文尝试应用静态破碎技术对钢筋混凝土构件进行破裂试验,研究钢筋混凝土构件的静态破裂规律,探求静态破裂钢筋混凝土构件的较优方案。论文进行了不同环境温度和水剂比条件下的静态破碎剂膨胀性能试验,环境温度分别为14 ℃、22 ℃、30 ℃,水剂比分别为0.28、0.30、0.32。试验测得当环境温度为14 ℃,水剂比为0.32时,静态破碎剂达到最大体积膨胀率,为4.84。首先采用尺寸为200 mm × 200 mm × 200 mm的钢筋混凝土试块作为试验对象,进行不同布孔方式的静态破裂试验。以素混凝土的破裂试验结果作为对照组,对比分析钢筋混凝土试块在静态破碎剂作用下与素混凝土的破坏形态。试验结果表明,钢筋混凝土内置钢筋的套箍约束作用使试块各部分混凝土受力较为均匀,与素混凝土试块相比,出现裂纹条数较多,裂纹宽度较小,裂纹的起裂时间较迟;对于小孔径双孔和大孔径单孔的破坏情况,等量的静态破碎剂使得混凝土在起裂时间上大致相当,而双孔试块的静态破裂效果优于单孔大孔径。在此基础上,以尺寸为1020 mm × 360 mm × 650 mm的钢筋混凝土梁作为试验对象,研究了钢筋混凝土试件在静态破裂过程中的破坏形态和应变变化,采用预留钻孔和内部预埋应变砖的方法,进行了钢筋混凝土试件的静态破裂试验,分析了钢筋混凝土梁破裂面的裂缝扩展过程,以及内部混凝土的应变变化规律。结果表明,孔内膨胀应力使得裂缝优先由孔周边向最小抵抗线方向的自由面扩展,设置在同一排预留孔周边的应变大小以及变化趋势大致相同;试验采取逐排灌孔和隔排灌孔的静态破裂方式使得钢筋混凝土试件都能够被顺利破裂,其破裂形态大致相同,呈梅花状;相比较而言,逐排灌孔的破裂方式较好,实测破裂面最大裂缝宽度为11.8 mm。研究结果为静态破裂技术在钢筋混凝土工程中的应用提供了试验依据。
[Abstract]:Static crushing technology is a special blasting method, which has the advantages of no noise, no flying stone, no toxic gas, no dust and no blasting vibration. In the application of static crushing agent in the engineering application of cracked reinforced concrete members, the existence of steel bars makes it more difficult to remove concrete. This paper attempts to apply static crushing technology to the fracture test of reinforced concrete members, studies the static rupture law of reinforced concrete members, and probes into the better scheme of static rupture reinforced concrete members. The expansibility tests of static crushing agent were carried out under different ambient temperature and water agent ratio. The environmental temperature was 14 鈩,
[Abstract]:Static crushing technology is a special blasting method, which has the advantages of no noise, no flying stone, no toxic gas, no dust and no blasting vibration. In the application of static crushing agent in the engineering application of cracked reinforced concrete members, the existence of steel bars makes it more difficult to remove concrete. This paper attempts to apply static crushing technology to the fracture test of reinforced concrete members, studies the static rupture law of reinforced concrete members, and probes into the better scheme of static rupture reinforced concrete members. The expansibility tests of static crushing agent were carried out under different ambient temperature and water agent ratio. The environmental temperature was 14 鈩,