[Abstract]:Aiming at the problem that the simulation efficiency of traditional Deodatis harmonic synthesis method is restricted by the number of Cholesky decomposition, a simplified wind field simulation method based on Hermite interpolation is derived by introducing Hermite interpolation into the cross-spectral density matrix decomposition. The Cholesky decomposition times of traditional harmonic synthesis method are reduced from n 脳 N order to n 脳 2k order (2kN), thus the computational efficiency of traditional harmonic synthesis method is greatly improved. Taking the wind field simulation of the main girder of a long-span three-tower suspension bridge as an example, based on the traditional Deodatis method, the cubic Lagrange interpolation method and the Hermite interpolation method, the pulsating wind velocity time history of 4096 s is simulated, respectively. The comparison of the simulation time and accuracy shows that the Hermite interpolation method and the Lagrange interpolation method can improve the simulation efficiency of the traditional harmonic synthesis method. The simulation efficiency of Hermite interpolation method is slightly lower than that of cubic Lagrange interpolation method, but the simulation accuracy of H matrix is obviously higher than that of Hermite interpolation method, so Hermite interpolation method is better in wind field simulation. By using the simplified method based on Hermite interpolation, the power spectrum and the correlation function of the simulated pulsating wind speed are in good agreement with the target value, which indicates that the simulated pulsating wind speed still has a high fidelity. On this basis, the suggested interval of interpolation spacing is given through the optimization analysis of interpolation spacing.
【作者单位】: 东南大学混凝土及预应力混凝土教育部重点实验室;
【基金】:国家973计划青年科学家专题项目(2015CB060000) 国家自然科学基金项目(51378111,51438002) 霍英东青年教师应用研究项目(142007) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET-13-0128) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程项目(CE02-2-15)
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