[Abstract]:At present, the development of steel structure architecture can digest the steel products produced by steel industry to a certain extent, speed up the steel production capacity, and promote the environmental protection, technology and pattern of construction industry. Under the guidance of the national policy, the national assembled steel structure architecture has rapidly moved from the old era to the new era, and the development of the construction industry is based on the new building system of ordinary steel structure form. Establish environment-friendly new building system and model residential building system. In the new period, the green assembled steel structure building system not only has made a qualitative leap to the traditional steel structure building system, but also has been developed in the cross application of the new envelope system and the science and technology building system of different walls. It has effectively promoted the rapid development of the construction industry. The all-green modular assembly system of steel structure is a new type of building system. Its development and design concept is that the building components are composed of structural components or building functional units as the basic components, with the assembly of components and the integration of envelope and protection. As a result, it has been widely used in the construction industry because of its characteristics such as manufacturalization and so on. This paper mainly analyzes the application of green assembled steel structure building system in construction industry.
【作者单位】: 河南省城乡规划设计研究总院有限公司;
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