[Abstract]:In urban planning, the volume rate is an important index to control the intensity of land development. Planners usually determine the reasonable plot rate from the point of view of ensuring the public interest of the residents, however, the government and developers often determine the plot rate more from the perspective of economic benefits. When they play games, planners often lack powerful tools to limit the volume ratio. Therefore, the concept of per capita share of urban public resources (P value), that is, the ratio of per capita occupation of various kinds of public resources in land plots to the average value of persons specified in national standards or local standards, is put forward as an index to comprehensively reflect the public interests of residents. After studying the mathematical relationship between the P value and the volume ratio, a set of methods for determining the volume rate based on the P value is established. This method clarifies the changes of residents' public interests in the process of capacity-fixing and capacity-adjustment, which makes the planners have clear and reasonable basis and powerful means in the course of game with the government and developers, and it is also easier to get the support of the residents. Finally, taking the old urban planning of Lianzhou City as an example, an empirical study is carried out.
【作者单位】: 广东省城乡规划设计研究院;武汉大学城市设计学院;
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