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发布时间:2019-03-23 16:57
[Abstract]:Taking the city of Zibo as an example, the location entropy value of the residential, industrial and commercial land is calculated according to the land use data of 1948,1987 and 2016, and the change is analyzed, The spatial distribution of urban land under the influence of the market economy is analyzed by using the GIS. The results show that the spatial distribution law of the residential, industrial and commercial land is different: (1) The three types of land show some dispersion characteristics in the whole urban space distribution, among which, the spatial distribution of the living space is the most dispersed, and the industrial land is divided into the regional layout characteristics. (2) Commercial land is in the leading position in the core circle, the industrial land is dominant in the old city, and the residential land is dominant in the surrounding area, and the outer circle is still in the preliminary stage of development. The development of urban landscape is not yet mature; (3) The results of the distribution of the regional bit entropy for different types of land use and quadrant type structure show that the sector structure of the three-class space distribution in the city of the city is obvious, and the main way of the spatial expansion of the modern urban land along the main traffic line is explained. The industrial land occupies more favorable traffic location advantage in the urban space distribution, the residential land is the second, and the commercial land is not distributed in the central area of the city. The main mechanism of the spatial distribution of urban land in St. Petersburg is summarized as follows: the holding of the main framework of the urban land space structure in the former Soviet Union; the adjustment of the administrative division provides a path for the improvement of the urban land structure; In the market economy, the housing system reform has promoted the urban residential suburbanization; the land market has a weak effect on the land function replacement process; the slow industrial transformation has led to the fact that the old city is still mainly the production center.
【作者单位】: 东北师范大学地理科学学院;圣彼得堡国立大学地球科学学院;东北大学江河建筑学院;密苏里大学自然资源学院;


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