[Abstract]:With the changing of urban planning, many existing buildings, in order to meet the development of urban construction or new requirements on the use function, need to be modified or removed in the part where there is no pre-stressed pre-stressed floor or the part that does not meet the use requirement in the overall structure, In order to meet the new demands of the building, the existing prestressed reinforcement needs to be cut off. However, the conventional construction process is to cut the pre-stressed bar directly, which can lead to a large potential safety hazard in the original building during the construction period due to the excessive prestress loss. This situation requires the use of a specially-made open anchorage. Based on the experimental research and practice, this paper presents an innovative construction method for reconstructing the heavy anchor of a steel strand with a non-bonded pre-stressed concrete structure, and in the course of the transformation, it is possible to maintain the pre-stress of the original structure without loss or loss. The key to the construction method is to develop a simple and efficient open anchorage device, which is a tool anchor (in-cup thread) and a working anchor (double-clip in the cup), and the working anchor is a permanent anchorage device, and the tool anchor is a reusable tool anchor. In this paper, the static test, the long-term anchorage test, the repeated load test and the steel strand cut-off test are carried out for the open anchorage. In order to study the internal force and deformation of the open anchorage structure before and after the cut-off of the floor, and the stress change before and after the cut-off of the steel strand, the finite element ABAQUS software is used to simulate the three-dimensional nonlinear numerical simulation of the open anchorage and the steel strand, and the stress distribution of the open anchorage and the steel strand before and after the cut-off is mainly studied. Combined with the concrete test and the finite element theory analysis, the concrete construction method of the existing non-bonded pre-stressed concrete structure modified steel strand reanchor construction is introduced in detail, and the construction of the podium building of the Huiyuan Building is information-controlled. The theoretical analysis shows that the results of the finite element simulation of the open anchorage device with non-bonded pre-stressed steel strand are in good agreement with the experimental results. The test research and engineering practice show that the work anchor and the tool anchor should be used in combination to achieve the best anchoring effect when the steel strand is cut off. It is preferable that the two tool anchors are used with one working anchor, and the tool anchor can be used repeatedly after the cutting is completed. Combined with the demolition of the podium building of the Changsha Huiyuan Building, the construction method and the information monitoring scheme of the existing non-bonded pre-stressed steel strand heavy-anchor cutting technology are put forward.
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