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发布时间:2019-05-20 01:28
[Abstract]:The risk perception mechanism is the first safe line of defense for the construction workers to prevent the safety accidents and guarantee the personal safety. At present, the research on the risk perception ability of construction workers in China is relatively scarce. In this paper, the paper makes a preliminary exploration on the related problems from the angle of the difference analysis, and the main research process and the important conclusion are as follows: (1) The basic theory of the construction worker's hazard perception is analyzed, from which it is found that the construction worker's risk perception ability is made of the dangerous feeling ability, The risk perception effect is different from that of the hazard target to the worker's degree of stimulation and the degree of sensitivity of the worker to the dangerous target; the different workers' perception of the different dangerous target and the perceived result are different. In this way, the difference of the construction worker's risk perception ability and the risk cognition ability can be analyzed from different angles to explore the difference of the construction worker's risk perception ability, as follows: (2) The basic characteristics of the construction worker's dangerous search are as follows: The difference of the risk perception ability of the construction workers is analyzed by the hazard-sensitive two angles of different construction scenarios. The main research process and the important conclusions are as follows:1) The basic characteristics and differences of the construction worker's dangerous search are explored by carrying out the eye movement test experiment. The research shows that the risk search of workers in the closed, high-risk, frequent, intuitive, strong light and complex scene is superior to that of the open, low-risk, sporadic, fuzzy, weak-light and simple scene, which is the first time or the whole discovery speed of the worker to the dangerous target is faster, The risk information extraction efficiency is higher.2) By carrying out the computer simulation experiment and the eye movement test experiment, the risk-sensitive difference and the influence of different construction scenes are explored. The research shows that the risk target in the closed, low-risk, frequent, direct, low-light and simple scene is stronger than that of the workers, but the workers are more sensitive to the risk target in the open, high-risk, sporadic, fuzzy, strong-light and complex scenes; and the workers are in the closed, low-risk and sporadic, Intuitive, strong light, the target-oriented search mode is the main, open, high-risk, frequent, fuzzy, low-light, complex scene with the task-driven search mode in the simple scene; the worker is superior to the open, frequent, intuitive, weak light, and the dangerous target search in the complex scene is better than that of the open, Incidental, fuzzy, strong light and simple scene show that the accuracy of the search results is higher, the degree of sensitivity deviation is smaller, the risk search is less disturbed, and the area of interest of the worker's dangerous search is concentrated in the middle area of its own line of sight. (3) In this paper, the difference of the risk cognition ability of the construction workers is analyzed from the accident characteristics and the demographic characteristics in the way of the psychological measurement. The main research process and the important conclusion are as follows:1) The construction worker's dangerous cognitive difference in the perspective of the accident characteristics, The result of the study shows that the result of the accident risk degree is positively related to the severity of the accident, and the difference of the risk cognition result is negatively correlated with the severity of the accident, and the risk sensitivity of the construction worker is negatively correlated with the occurrence probability of the accident; and for the low-risk accident, the result of the risk degree score is negatively correlated with the visual degree of the dangerous characteristic; for the high-risk accident, the result of the risk degree score is positively related to the direct view of the dangerous characteristic, In that aspect of demographic characteristics, the study show that the risk sensitivity level of the construction workers and the change of the accumulated change of the worker's experience are approximately in the form of a "U"-shaped curve. There was a negative correlation between the level of risk cognition and the level of cognitive ability and the accumulation of experience. The risk sensitivity, cognitive deviation and cognitive ability of the construction workers were positively correlated with the worker's cultural quality. When the worker is inexperienced, the representative cognitive deviation is easy to occur, the experience accumulation is relatively rich, the easily-obtained deviation, the over-confidence deviation and the experience are more abundant, the attribution deviation and the excessive self-confidence deviation are easy to occur, the representative cognitive deviation of the lower cultural quality worker is easy to occur, However, the workers with higher cultural quality are prone to excessive self-confidence and attribution deviation, and the workers are prone to easily-obtained deviation when the working situation is poor.


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