[Abstract]:The 2010 World Expo Daming Palace Museum is a traditional style building, which is a unique exhibition hall in the form of structure. The steel-wood composite structure is adopted, the bottom part 1 is a steel structure, and the upper part 2 is a wood structure. This paper introduces the structure selection, structure layout, structure analysis and key node structure, etc. based on the architectural style and use characteristics of the Daming Palace. The results show that the steel-wood composite structure is beneficial to the design and functional requirements of the specific building. The industrialization and the assembly of the building are realized through the connection of the wood structure and the steel structure bolt, so that the requirements of the exhibition hall of the Expo are met, and the reconstruction target of the long-distance removal is realized. On the basis of inheriting the traditional architectural style, the modern building structure material and the structure system are used to create the building space, and the design purpose is achieved, and the reversibility and the safety of the project are ensured. The design method of the structure selection and the design method of the key node can provide the design reference for the analysis and design of similar projects.
【作者单位】: 中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司;
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