[Abstract]:The aging of the population is one of the most serious challenges facing the current society. The change of family structure and traditional concept of providing for the aged leads to the rapid growth of the demand for the aged. Apartments for the elderly were born under this severe realistic pressure, strong market demand and policy guidance. Based on the development and policy analysis of pension service institutions in Beijing, aiming at the two stages of the site selection process of apartment land for the elderly, this paper uses the systematic cluster analysis method to establish the regional suitability evaluation model to select the appropriate development area for the elderly apartment project, and on this basis, further establishes the spatial location selection model of the elderly apartment land based on the weighted average method of influencing factors. The suitability of apartment land for the elderly in Chaoyang District was divided. The specific conclusions are as follows: (1) since 2006, the number of old-age service institutions and beds in Beijing has been increasing, among which the number of government-run old-age service institutions is relatively stable, and the number of social-run pension service institutions is steadily increasing. From the spatial point of view, the pension service institutions are mainly located in the suburbs, the number of pension service institutions outside the Fifth Ring Road accounts for 78.25% of the total number of beds, the number of beds accounts for 83.35%. At the same time, there are still some problems, such as insufficient total allocation of beds, unreasonable structure, spatial dislocation and so on. Through the interpretation of the development and evolution of the policy, it can be seen that the core idea of the government's treatment of the pension industry lies in the gradual establishment of a pension service system based on home, based on the community and supported by institutions, so that social forces can gradually become the main body of the development of the old-age service industry. (2) taking 14 of the districts (counties) in Beijing as the research object, combined with the selection principles of influencing factors, the economy, nature and infrastructure are selected. Based on the systematic cluster analysis of market supply and demand, 14 study areas (counties) are divided into suitable development areas, potential development areas and temporary unsuitable development areas, including Chaoyang District, Fengtai District, Tongzhou District, Daxing District, Haidian District, Shunyi District, potential Development area including Shijingshan District, Fangshan District, Changping District, Mentougou District, including Huairou District. Miyun District, Pinggu District, Yanqing District. (3) on the basis of regional suitability evaluation, select supporting facilities, surrounding environment, traffic conditions and other factors, further evaluate the spatial location of land use in Chaoyang District, which is suitable for development area, and divide Chaoyang District into suitable area, less suitable area and unsuitable area. Combined with the overall planning of Beijing (2016-2030) and the spatial development goal of Chaoyang District during the 13th five-year Plan period, it is pointed out that the Laiguangying area outside the Fifth Ring Road is the key development area of elderly apartments in Chaoyang District in the future. At the same time, the layout of the existing apartment for the elderly in Chaoyang District is analyzed and evaluated, and it is found that the layout of the apartment for the elderly in the suitable area and the unsuitable area is 73.68%, which indicates that the land layout of the existing apartment for the elderly in Chaoyang District is better.
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