A distributed BIM-based engineering project management infor
发布时间:2017-05-18 09:53
Keywords: building information modeling ; information system design, engineering project
Abstract. In modern times, information technology developes very quickly. Architecture engineering construction industry has gradually been revolutionized from traditional ways to technology-based methods. As the engineering construction project is very complex ,advanced tools are required to assist finishing a project. Building information modeling is disseminated to construction industry ,as an instrument to help collaboration and co-working. The practical effectiveness of BIM is mainly in architecture design, while BIM can be used as a tool in other parts of construction industry such as virtual construction ,time-dependent control and maintainance management and even the lifecycle management.This paper mainly presents five main parts and functions designed of information system based on BIM, and analyses the strengths of the system .It aims to demonstrate how engineering project overcome traditional barriers and physical distribution with the development of information technology across the whole construction lifecycle.
by designers at home and abroad. The BIM concept was first put forward by Professor Chuck • Eastman, in school of building and computer science, Georgia Tech College ,and the building information modelling combines all the geometric model infomation, functional requirements and component performance..It integrates all the information within the entire life cycle of a construction project to a single building model, and also includes the process information of manufacture process , maintenance management, construction schedule [1] .
BIM is a method to integrate and manage construction project related information through digital technology and visualization technology [2]. BIM technology effectively realizes the three-dimensional expression of construction project information, which can help design unit, construction unit and the owner intuitively and effectively understanding the construction project design, check design space conflict, and help the work of supplementary analysis, structure analysis, light analysis, etc and also can be used in the later period of project maintenance management[3] .
All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Trans Tech Publications, www.ttp.net. (#89428578, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam, Malaysia-18/05/17,03:23:51)
Abstract. In modern times, information technology developes very quickly. Architecture engineering construction industry has gradually been revolutionized from traditional ways to technology-based methods. As the engineering construction project is very complex ,advanced tools are required to assist finishing a project. Building information modeling is disseminated to construction industry ,as an instrument to help collaboration and co-working. The practical effectiveness of BIM is mainly in architecture design, while BIM can be used as a tool in other parts of construction industry such as virtual construction ,time-dependent control and maintainance management and even the lifecycle management.This paper mainly presents five main parts and functions designed of information system based on BIM, and analyses the strengths of the system .It aims to demonstrate how engineering project overcome traditional barriers and physical distribution with the development of information technology across the whole construction lifecycle.
In modern society, information technology are widely used including in construction field. Despite of being a reality in many other manufacture sectors, electronical procurement still falls short in the Architecture Engineering Construction field. Building Information Modeling,as a modern technology approach, has been a trend focused on the technical aspects in many construction projects and is gradually applied in construction field to assist project construction and control.1.1 BIM overview
BIM,abbreviation of Building Information Modeling, which was called "revolutionary" technologyby designers at home and abroad. The BIM concept was first put forward by Professor Chuck • Eastman, in school of building and computer science, Georgia Tech College ,and the building information modelling combines all the geometric model infomation, functional requirements and component performance..It integrates all the information within the entire life cycle of a construction project to a single building model, and also includes the process information of manufacture process , maintenance management, construction schedule [1] .
BIM is a method to integrate and manage construction project related information through digital technology and visualization technology [2]. BIM technology effectively realizes the three-dimensional expression of construction project information, which can help design unit, construction unit and the owner intuitively and effectively understanding the construction project design, check design space conflict, and help the work of supplementary analysis, structure analysis, light analysis, etc and also can be used in the later period of project maintenance management[3] .
1.2 system requirement analysis
Engineering project management information system are faced with owner, design unit, the contractor or subcontractor, construction unit etc participating in the project. The problem is physical distribution makes their information sharing appear obstacles in the construction process . Establishment of project management information system just can resolve this problem.With the aid of BIM with visualization function, the system can offer project participants real-time, convenient and three dimensional information in exchange to work together.All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of Trans Tech Publications, www.ttp.net. (#89428578, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam, Malaysia-18/05/17,03:23:51)
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Framework and function of engineering project management information system design based on BIM
Architects using BIM method to design building is a process of constructing virtual models of the actual building. Virtual architectural model contains a large number of construction materials and building components and other aspects of information. It is a database containing all of the building information .While the project management information system is an integration platform including all the information in the whole project construction process .
This paper mainly divides the engineering project management system based on BIM into six major function modules ,including pre-project planning management module, the bidding management module, the investment control management module, progress control management module, contract management module.
2.1 Module and function analysis of engineering project management system based on BIM
(1) project preliminary planning managementProject planning early in the project construction, is to through research and data collection, on the basis of full possession of the information, aiming at some problem of the project decision-making and implementation , do a scientific analysis and demonstration ,which makes projects have the right direction and clear purpose. And then add value to decision-making and implementation of projects. In the project planning stage, BIM can help owners understand some critical information, such as architectural modeling design and the line of sight visibility in the real environment .To ensure the building function and performance, use BIM to calculate building energy consumption simulation on different design options to reduce the energy costs from the whole life cycle of the building construction and then the owners in the project can achieve maximum market gains in planning stage . BIM technology at the design stage, especially in the pre-design and 3D presentation, sunshine, energy, evacuation analysis has been widely disseminated and applied. For example, the pipeline integrated collision detection in design process,can use Navisworks, at the design stage using the structural components of BIM, equipment pipeline information for collision detection, auxiliary construction by the spatial positioning of the BIM model inside the pipeline phase of the model using BIM structure component, equipment pipes information for collision detection, Assisting the construction through pipeline space positioning inside the BIM model , can effectively avoid pipeline
collision problems in the construction process.
(2) Bidding management
Bidding management module is reasonablely to arrange for the management of the bidding according to planned poject puration, mainly referring to procedures related bidding laws prescribed ,when doing tender and bid management owners should mainly consult relevant procedures prescribed to finish corresponding work.(3) Contract management
Contract management module’s basic function is to provide and choose standard contract forms, contract documents, materials management, contract execution tracking and process management, foreign related contract conversion of foreign exchange, inquirement of economic laws and regulations of the library, and provide contract management reports. Contract management module mainly involves in all the auxiliary information of project design, construction, project supervision, consultation, and scientific research project’s implementation of the contract drafting, signing and executing, filing, claiming of all segments. And include dispute management in the planning, signing, performance, amendment, claims in the related contract of the engineering project. The contract control information includes: the parties to a contract, time limit, price, place of performance, period, the responsibility of breach, risk sharing of dispute etc, the contract changing management module is a key part of the contract management module.(4) Schedule control and management
Progress control and management module is through the project schedule and the actual progress’s constant comparison, progress manager can receive feedback information in time to control the project progress. Progress control and management module’s traditional methods including networkApplied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 174-177 2761

planning method, the comparative method of schedule and actual schedule . Progress control and management module is the basic function of double code network plan, single code lap network plan and many plane group network plan, statistical analysis of the actual engineering progress, dynamic comparative analysis between actual schedule and planning schedule , changing trend forecasts of project progress, the regular adjustment of schedule, all kinds of data query of engineering projects progress, and also provides engineering progress reports, draw network diagram and a bar chart.
In the construction stage, it can integrate data of BIM models and schedule. Using 4 D model can quickly understand important nodes in a schedule, mainly using data integration technology to realize BIM application based on time dimension. Through the BIM application, schedule plan can correspond to entity model which is helpful for finding construction gap.Project management personnel may see the construction project schedule according to the site condition and do real-time deviation adjustment, when meeting with the change of the design and construction drawing change, they can quickly and visually modify the schedulen with linkage, and get the best construction plan. And also it can do construction simulization and optimization of the installation scheme such as building mechanical route and operating space, civil engineering construction sequence, equipment
cop installing sequence, material transportation piling up arrangement. [4] Besides , in the process of
project evaluation, 4 D model can make experts grasp quickly from the model about engineering construction organization arrangement, and main construction method, overall plan etc of the bid assessment unit in order to make a preliminary assessment of the experience and strength of the construction of the bidding unit.
(5) Investment control and management
The investment of construction projects generally includes construction investment and current assets investment two main parts. Construction investment, refers to the total cost spending during the entire construction period from determination of intention to the completion of construction projects.It is the most main parts of investment of construction projects. Current assets investment refers to occupied total working capital for the maintenance of the project's production and business operation included andare used to the purchase of raw materials, semi-finished products, fuel and power and so on. Investment control is mainly in the implementation stage of project construction, through the investment plan and dynamic control, actual investment can be controlled within the planned value of investment to make realization of investment objectives of the construction project as much as possible.The goal of investment control is to make full use of limited resources, so that the engineering construction project can get the best benefit and appreciation. Through the constantly comparison between project investment and actual investment value, investment managers can acquire timely information, to control the project investment plan.
In the process of project construction, project investment related fees include overcast density, estimates, budget, bid price, the contract price, final accounts, and other investment-related costs . Comparison between investment plans and the actual values is a dynamic process, that is, through comparing the investment-related expenses , to find the investment deviation.
Investment control management’s basic function is investment cuts analysis, to prepare the project budget one and budget two, comparative analysis of investment cuts and project estimates, to ground up the comparison of the actual investment and estimates, the budget, the contract price contrast analysis, project investment change trend forecast, project settlement and budget, the contract price contrast analysis, data query of all kinds of project investment.
The engineering project investment cost control module based on BIM, mainly with the help of component information in the BIM database, through computer automatically identifies components in the model, real-time statistics of the components within the model, uses model to replace the drawings, name, number and size of the materials needed can be generated directly in the model and consistent with the design. The ways cost engineers apply BIM to project amount calculation includes the following three kinds .Use application program interface in BIM software and cost budget software to establish a connection, and import the amount of information we need to get from BIM
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software to cost software. The second way is using ODBC connection or other types of database connection to directly access to BIM database. According to requirement ,to obtain the needed extract calculation information from the BIM database . The third way is to import engineering amount infomation from BIM software to Excel table of Microsoft and then calculate totals artificially .
Conclusions and looking
Engineering project management information system based on BIM can change information process and information creating process and information management and sharing process, using building lifecycle management technology,realize the cooperative management platform based on the information technology . Information technology can effectively solve the gap problem, from mixed and disorder way of communication to collaborative communication way to finish the work. It will become visualization implementation assistant instrument possessing a complete project information storage center, collaborative communication platform among the project members, dynamic tracking checking means of project progress to control the function .References
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