启功:学为人师 行为世范
发布时间:2018-03-24 06:34
本文选题:启功 切入点:北京师范大学 出处:《中国高等教育》2003年20期
【摘要】:正 “学为人师 行为世范”,这镌刻在北京师范大学校园东门影壁上的八个字,是北师大的校训,也是中国师范教育的座右铭。这字是由启功先生书写的,但少有人知还是启老先生拟定的,是用他70年的“学”和“行”浇灌而成,他用90年的风雨人生向世人诠释着为人师的真谛。 由国家文物局、北京师范大学、东方美术馆等单位共同举办的“启功书画展”在东方美术馆隆重推出。 穿一身藏蓝色西服,系一条花色领带,提一根褐色拐杖,圆
[Abstract]:The eight characters engraved on the East Gate Shadow Wall of Beijing normal University are the motto of Beijing normal University and the motto of Chinese normal Education. The word was written by Mr. Qi Gong. However, few people know that it was worked out by Mr. Kai, who used his 70 years of "study" and "action" to irrigate him. He used 90 years of life to explain to the world the true meaning of being a teacher. By the State Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Beijing normal University, The "Qi Gong book and painting exhibition", jointly organized by the Oriental Art Museum and other units, was grandly launched in the Oriental Art Museum. It was dressed in a dark blue suit, wearing a colorful tie, carrying a brown crutch, and being round.
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