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发布时间:2018-05-01 11:15

  本文选题:留学生 + 近代中国 ; 参考:《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2008年04期

[Abstract]:The problem of cultural relic conservation in China has attracted Chinese attention since the end of the 19th century. In the early 20th century, with a large number of overseas students studying geology, biology, anthropology, museology, and archaeology, they returned home. The protection of cultural relics in Chinese society is on the road of scientific development. During the period of the Beiyang Government and the National Government, most of the members of the Antiquities custody Committee were overseas students. Through their efforts and explorations, China's cultural relics protection legislation has been gradually improved, and the protection of cultural relics has gradually entered the road of science, formalization and systematization. Museums, as well as various institutions and scientific organizations with the function of protecting cultural relics, have been established and perfected, and the investigation and publicity of cultural relics and monuments have also been carried out; after returning to the country, foreign students will enter various institutions of higher learning. Universities and scientific research institutions have become teaching and research centers, especially the archaeological research department of Peking University, the Tsinghua Institute of Chinese Studies and the Institute of History and language of the Academy of Social Sciences. They participated in archaeological and investigation activities, popularized the techniques and knowledge of cultural relics conservation, and trained specialized personnel for the cause of cultural relics conservation in China. Some research groups and individuals provided support for the protection and investigation of cultural relics in modern China. In a word, the overseas students made great contributions to protect the precious cultural heritage left by their ancestors, to carry forward the national culture and to unite the national strength.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学;中国国家博物馆;


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