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发布时间:2018-06-26 04:34

  本文选题:虞山诗社 + 虞社文人 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:明清以来常熟地方文化发达,具体来讲科第鼎盛、人才辈出,藏书家藏书楼众多,虞山诗派、画派、琴派以及小说等领域均有较高成就由此而形成了较为浓郁的文化氛围。自明万历间拂水山房文社开始常熟文人形成了悠久的结社传统。近代以来受西学东渐影响常熟传统社会开始发生裂变。清末民初新旧鼎革,常熟旧学式微、国学不振、道德沦丧、世风日下,以士绅为主导的传统社会秩序趋于瓦解。基于此,,常熟文人于1920年组织虞山诗社以期保存国粹、发扬旧学。 虞社以常熟籍文人为主体,社员遍布全国。该社发行《虞社》期刊,多次组织大型的雅集联谊,在当时文坛产生较大影响。虞社成立后虽遭遇军阀过境、主持乏人、领导内讧等挑战,但是该社始终不断发展。面对日趋裂变的社会,虞社文人经历了由坚持复古到与时俱进、由个人爱好到关心社会、由研究文艺到涉足政治三个方面的较为明显的心路变化。1937年日寇入常,虞社彻底失去其生存发展的舞台。 虞社常熟籍文人,对常熟地方社会产生较大影响,为常熟社会裂变中传承做出了贡献。他们一方面通过传承旧学、保存国粹,坚守伦理、宣扬节孝,控制地方话语系统、积极纂修县志等方式维护日趋瓦解的传统社会秩序。另一方面他们亦积极调整自身适应裂变的社会形势,通过支持新学、开办报纸、应对社会危机、维护公共安全等方式来教化地方、开启民智、造福桑梓,并以此努力构建新的社会秩序。但是随着新式国家的建立、国家政权不断渗透地方,以虞社文人为代表的知识分子在地方社会中的主导力愈来愈小;虞社的建立、发展、解体表明在社会急剧裂变的过程中传统知识分子以文人结社的方式建立以其为主导的社会秩序的努力必将破产。
[Abstract]:Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the local culture of Changshu has been developed, specifically in terms of the prosperity of the section, the number of talents, the collection of books in the books, the school of Yushan poetry, the school of painting, the school of Qin, and the novels, which have formed a relatively strong cultural atmosphere. From the beginning of the Ming Wanli, the literary society of Changshu began to form a long tradition of association. Since the influence of Western learning on the traditional society, the traditional society began to fission in Changshu. In the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, the old new and old revolution, the old school in Changshu, the national studies, the moral decay, the gentry dominated traditional social order disintegrated. Based on this, Changshu scholars organized the Yushan Poetry Society in 1920 to preserve the quintessence and carry forward the old school.
Yu she is the main body of the literati of Changshu, and the members of the society spread all over the country. It is a more obvious change from three aspects of the study of literature and art, from the study of literature and art to politics, from the insistence of the restoration of the old to the times, from the interests of the individual to the society, from the study of literature and art to the political involvement in the three aspects of the Japanese invaders, and Yu's society has completely lost its stage of survival and development.
The Changshu literati of Yu society have a great influence on the local society of Changshu and contribute to the inheritance of Changshu's social fission. On the one hand, they will maintain the traditional social order by inheriting the old school, preserving the quintessence, adhering to the ethics, promoting the festival filial piety, controlling the local discourse system, and actively compiling the county records. On the other hand, they also accumulate the traditional social order. To adjust itself to the social situation of fission, by supporting new schools, starting newspapers, dealing with social crisis, maintaining public safety and other ways to enlighten the place, open the wisdom of the people, benefit mulberry, and build a new social order. However, with the establishment of the new state, the state political power is constantly infiltrating the place, and the knowledge of the Yu society as the representative. The leading power of the intellectuals in the local society is becoming smaller and smaller; the establishment, development and disintegration of Yu's society show that in the process of rapid social fission, the efforts of the traditional intellectuals to establish a social order dominated by the literati are bound to go bankrupt.


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