[Abstract]:It is very necessary for normal college students to improve their Chinese learning literacy. Only by improving the quality of college students' traditional Chinese learning can it accord with the training goal of colleges and universities and meet the basic requirements of higher talents education. Colleges and universities are a gathering place to train and transport applied talents, so it is inevitable to integrate the Chinese learning into the classroom of colleges and universities. From the point of view of the present situation and trend of introducing the traditional Chinese learning into the classroom education in colleges and universities, it is in a very awkward situation. In order to improve this situation, this paper first analyzes the definition and category of the Chinese culture, secondly, analyzes the necessity of introducing the traditional Chinese culture into the classroom, and then expounds the present situation of the introduction of the traditional Chinese culture in the classroom. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to bring Chinese culture into the classroom of colleges and universities. It is expected to provide some help to improve the students' Chinese learning literacy and highlight the value of setting up the course of Chinese culture in colleges and universities.
【作者单位】: 陕西学前师范学院;
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