[Abstract]:It is an important ideological and cultural phenomenon of Chinese society to increase the temperature of Chinese culture. The main reasons for its rise include domestic and international aspects. Since the 21st century, people have been paying more and more attention to the study of Chinese culture, which is reflected in all aspects of life. However, people's cognition of Marxist theory is decreasing day by day, which results in the coexistence of "Chinese culture" and "marginalization" in China. In the new century, it is of great practical significance to educate the national people to look at the traditional Chinese culture properly by vigorously promoting the Sinicization of Marxism in order to prevent the bad influence in the process of "heating up the temperature of the Chinese culture". The biggest revelation to Marxist theorists from the heating up of Chinese traditional culture is to combine the traditional culture of the Chinese nation with the Marxist theory and promote the Sinicization of Marxism by studying the traditional culture seriously.
【作者单位】: 无锡南洋职业技术学院;
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