[Abstract]:Why did the May 4th people say that "science" pays more attention to its "spirit" and "method" and turns it into experimentalism and dialectical materialism? At the practical level, why was it once implemented on the basis of Hu Shi's advocacy of "sorting out the country's past", Gu Jiegang's "Ancient History differentiation" and the "Social History study" represented by Guo Moruo? These phenomena, which are far from the concept of "science", are the main problems discussed in this paper. This is not only a technical factor that Chinese scholars are relatively familiar with textual research methods, but also because of the different nationalism. Without the support of science, Sinology would not be able to rise to the table; without the "national heritage", a specific object of study familiar to most Chinese scholars, the "science" based on methods could not be put into practice. However, the peculiar combination of traditional culture and foreign culture is closely related to the special concern in the history of modern Chinese thought and academic history.
【作者单位】: 四川大学历史系!教授 清华大学历史系兼职教授。成都610064
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