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learner ' s needs 在 外国语言文字 分类中 的翻译结果

发布时间:2016-11-26 01:07
















    It is the purpose of this paper to develop a learner-centered approach a more effective and appropriate approach to ESP curriculum management with the analysis of the learner’s needs and exploration of some theoretical concepts ranging from language descriptions to language learning theories.



    The learner's needs may conflict with the teacher's(needs conflict), which has been noticed by some experts of ESP.



    ESP is seen as approach not as a product: understood properly, it is an approach to language learning which is based on the learner's needs.

    ESP教学建立在学习者的需要分析(needs analysis)之上。


    The failings of the dominant English class teaching paradigms in China are obvious. They cannot meet the multiplicity of the learner's needs of English study , and their underlying theories cannot fit in with the context of Chinese students of English, either.



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  learner s needs

We therefore suggest that developers first focus on the learner's needs and accordingly select functionalities and technology that meet those needs.


The structure of a distance learning course refers to the amount of flexibility and responsiveness to an individual learner's needs.


The learner's needs and preferences information was set within the system and variable at any time the system was being used.


The author can keep the user model small, the system works more efficient and the learner's needs are met better.


These will be mapped onto the syllabus and structured to suit the individual learner's needs.



This paper deals with justifications for innovating English class teaching paradigms in the English teaching field of China. The failings of the dominant English class teaching paradigms in China are obvious. They cannot meet the multiplicity of the learner's needs of English study , and their underlying theories cannot fit in with the context of Chinese students of English, either. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to shift from the predominant English class teaching paradigms which have...

This paper deals with justifications for innovating English class teaching paradigms in the English teaching field of China. The failings of the dominant English class teaching paradigms in China are obvious. They cannot meet the multiplicity of the learner's needs of English study , and their underlying theories cannot fit in with the context of Chinese students of English, either. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to shift from the predominant English class teaching paradigms which have been unjustifiably taken for granted in China over the past decades.


This thesis has displayed a research on establishment of Four-Step-Strategic-Training mode for beginners,which is based on the Anderson's theory of Skill Acquisition mode and listening comprehension working process.The four steps include: to decide the strategies according to learner's need,to implement the strategic training,to appraise the strategic training and revise the strategic training.The four steps have run through the whole training process.The thesis has demonstrated an experiment...

This thesis has displayed a research on establishment of Four-Step-Strategic-Training mode for beginners,which is based on the Anderson's theory of Skill Acquisition mode and listening comprehension working process.The four steps include: to decide the strategies according to learner's need,to implement the strategic training,to appraise the strategic training and revise the strategic training.The four steps have run through the whole training process.The thesis has demonstrated an experiment of listening strategic training taken by 116 non-English-major students.The author had divided the two classes into two groups for 20 weeks listening teaching,the result showed the group which had taken strategic training was obviously better than another one.







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