发布时间:2017-08-20 23:00
【摘要】:教师实践性知识研究兴起于二十世纪八十年代受传统的知识观影响,在教师知识研究中,公共知识的作用被过度强调,教师个人的教育教学经验往往被忽略到九十年代教师知识的研究出现转向,从研究教师应具有何种公共知识转向教师个性化的教学实践性知识幼儿英语教师的日常教育教学工作包括两方面,即教育工作和保育工作幼儿教师必须对日常教学中的各种状况进行合理而灵活的处理,这对其实践性知识的要求就更为明显 本研究旨在为幼儿英语教育实践提供参考与启示,本研究以教师实践性知识的结构为框架,选择三位有多年教育经验的幼儿英语教师开展个案研究,通过三个月的课堂观察与课后访谈,对收集的资料和数据进行定性分析,,总结归纳幼儿英语教师实践性知识的特征,探究其实践性知识的成因 研究结果表明:1)幼儿英语教师的实践性知识是高度个人化的知识教师的教育信念和性格特点是推动其自身职业发展的重要动力;2)各种实践性知识交叉作用于幼儿英语教师的教学实践;3)幼儿英语教师的课程与教学知识是其实践性知识中最重要的部分,对其教学方法的形成起重要作用,并指导他们的教学行为
【关键词】:幼儿英语教师 实践性知识 个案分析
- 摘要5-6
- Chapter 1 Introduction9-14
- 1.1 Background of the Study9-11
- 1.2 Research Questions11-12
- 1.3 Purpose and Significance12-13
- 1.4 Organization of the Thesis13-14
- Chapter 2 Previous Research on Teachers’ Practical Knowledge14-22
- 2.1 Connotation16-17
- 2.2 Characteristics17-18
- 2.3 Contents18-20
- 2.4 Strategies of Acquiring Practical Knowledge20-22
- Chapter 3 Research Method and Process22-28
- 3.1 Research Method22
- 3.1.1 Synthesis of Existing Research Literature22
- 3.1.2 Case Study22
- 3.2 Description of the Subjects22-24
- 3.3 Data Collection and Analysis24-26
- 3.3.1 Class Observation24
- 3.3.2 In-Depth Interview24-25
- 3.3.3 Analysis of Documents Related to Classroom Teaching25-26
- 3.4 Validity and Moral Principles Concerned26-28
- 3.4.1 Validity26
- 3.4.2 Moral Principles26-28
- Chapter 4 Results of the Case Study28-42
- 4.1 Results from Interviews Concerning the Teachers’Self-Perception28-32
- 4.1.1 Self-Perception as a Professional29-30
- 4.1.2 Educational Beliefs30-31
- 4.1.3 Self-Perception of Personality31-32
- 4.2 Results from Class Observation and Follow-up Interviews32-38
- 4.2.1 Major Results32-33
- 4.2.2 Classroom Teaching Example I33-35
- 4.2.3 Classroom Teaching Example II35-38
- 4.3 Utilization of Teaching Milieu38-40
- 4.3.1 Decoration of the Classroom38
- 4.3.2 Use of Community Resources38-39
- 4.3.3 Interpersonal Knowledge39-40
- 4.4 Knowledge of Class Management40-42
- Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestion42-49
- 5.1 Features of Teachers’ Practical Knowledge42-44
- 5.1.1 Educational Beliefs Play a Leading Role42
- 5.1.2 High Level of Individuality42-43
- 5.1.3 Situational Embedded Application43-44
- 5.1.4 Integration of Different Types of Practical Knowledge44
- 5.2 Suggestion44-49
- 5.2.1 Reflecting on Personal Teaching Practice45-46
- 5.2.2 Forming a Learners’Community46-47
- 5.2.3. Reform Teachers’Training System and Increase the Practical Courses47-49
- Acknowledgements49-50
- References50-53
- Appendix53-54
- Research Results Obtained During the Study for Master Degree54-55
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