the New Silk Road transportation infrastructure investment e
The Research on Dynamic Relationship between Transportation Infrastructure Investment and Economic Growth of the New Silk Road Economic Belt
LIU Yu-hong(School of Economics,Xian University of Finance and Economics,Xian 710100,China)
Abstr:The thesis analyzed the relationship between investment on transportation infrastructure and economic growth of the New Silk Road economic belt in 1980-2010 according to the stationary test,VAR model and pulse response analysis,cointegration and Granger causality against the macro major background of Asian and Eurasian countries jointly launch the New Silk Road,the government pay full attention to it's development and academic circles are very concerned about the relationship between transportation infrastructure and economic growth.The results of analysis indicated that transportation infrastructure investment and economic growth had long ties to Granger causality,the growth of transportation infrastructure investment because of economic growth,economic growth promoted the growth of transportation infrastructure investment.
Keyword::the New Silk Road transportation infrastructure investment economic growth VAR model pulse response analysis Cointegration analysis
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