发布时间:2018-02-09 23:20
本文关键词: 绿地集团 混合所有制改革 股权结构 治理结构 财务绩效 出处:《哈尔滨商业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The third Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee further proposed and improved the top-level design for the development of state-owned enterprises. The meeting clearly pointed out that in the future, Under the background of "comprehensively deepening the reform" of state-owned enterprises, the important work is to further promote mixed ownership. It can be said that the reform of mixed ownership in state-owned enterprises has attracted great attention from the society and the government. It is also related to the performance of national economic development in the future. While the state-owned enterprises have made important contributions to the development and progress of society for a long time, at the same time, they are also increasingly facing the practical requirements of high efficiency and high quality development. They are actively promoting the development of mixed ownership economies. It has become an effective and ideal way to uphold the dominant position of the public sector of the economy under the new normal state economy, to enhance the vitality, control, and influence of the development of the state-owned economy. With the deepening of the reform of mixed ownership, Mixed ownership of state-owned enterprises plays a more and more important role in optimizing the allocation of resources and enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. On the basis of introducing the relevant background and the current research situation at home and abroad, the paper introduces the theory of stakeholders. The principal-agent theory, information asymmetry theory and resource-based theory are used to carry out the study, in which the green space group of Shanghai SASAC mixed reform pilot enterprise is selected as the object of case study, and the basic situation is analyzed. The process of the reform of mixed ownership, the bright spots of the reform and so on are analyzed, and from the perspective of ownership structure, governance structure, This paper analyzes the relationship between group mix reform and financial performance change from the aspects of management incentive system and so on. In the specific measurement of financial change, it selects four financial indicators, including profitability, solvency, operation capacity and development ability. At the same time, on the basis of the principles of comparability and data availability, the paper focuses on the intra-industry comparative analysis on the key indicators of corporate financial performance, such as total asset growth rate, net profit growth rate, inventory turnover ratio, asset-liability ratio, etc. This paper compares the development of green space group with that of its industry, and evaluates the influence of mixed ownership reform of green space group on financial performance from its own angle and industry angle. Combined with the mixed ownership reform of green space group, the experiences and countermeasures of carrying out the mixed ownership reform are obtained: optimizing the ownership structure, coordinating the distribution of the interests of all parties in the group, rationally evaluating the potential risks of the mixed ownership reform, giving full play to the special functions of the government, etc. In order to provide some reference and reference for the current state-owned enterprises to carry out mixed ownership reform.
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