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发布时间:2018-09-01 17:01
[Abstract]:At present, there are a lot of risk problems in fund risk management, such as the unscientific expenditure of medical expenses of NCMS, the unreasonable plan of compensation scheme, the misappropriation or occupation of NRCF funds and so on. Therefore, we should strengthen the construction of early warning system in the risk management of NCMS, which plays an important role in avoiding and preventing risks. It can ensure the safe and normal operation of the fund and promote the effective management of the fund. This paper analyzes the risk prevention and avoidance of the new rural cooperative fund, mainly from the collection process of risk, payment of the risk and risk in the balance of the three aspects of a systematic and comprehensive discussion, Comprehensive analysis of the new rural cooperative fund management in each link of the possible risk. On this basis, combining quantitative and non-quantitative indexes organically, the paper establishes a scientific and effective early-warning index system for risk management of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Fund, and puts forward the idea of constructing the early-warning system of risk management of the new rural cooperative medical fund. The countermeasures and suggestions of constructing a scientific and effective early-warning system lay a theoretical foundation for the construction of a systematic early-warning system for fund risk management.


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