本文关键词:基于投入产出数据的云南产业结构分析研究 出处:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 云南省 产业结构 投入产出表 投入产出分析 产业关联
[Abstract]:Rational industrial structure and coordinated industrial development is the basic premise and important motive force for a region or a country to develop healthily, rapidly and steadily. At the same time, the adjustment of industrial structure is the eternal theme and difficult problem of economic growth. The transformation of industrial structure can accelerate the total growth of social economy under certain conditions. And the higher the yield structure conversion rate can bring the faster the total economic growth rate. Since the implementation of the reform and opening policy since the implementation of industrial structure adjustment. Yunnan Province is in the key period of three industrial structure adjustment at present. The rational optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure will promote the better and faster development of Yunnan economy. In order to achieve this goal, we must take accurate quantitative analysis as the basis. This paper is just under the environment of big data to adjust the industrial structure as the starting point, the full use of statistical data. Focus on the analysis of the industrial structure and development of Yunnan Province. On the empirical part of the study, this paper first of the province's industrial structure development in-depth exploration and professional analysis. The conclusion is that the growth of the GDP of Yunnan Province is decreasing, but the total amount is rising steadily, the level of industrial structure of Yunnan Province is not high, and the level of coordination of industrial structure is low. The proportion of industrial structure is not reasonable. Then, from the perspective of total output, this paper analyzes the problems and changes of the three industrial structure in Yunnan Province one by one. And based on the input-output data related analysis of the Yunnan industrial sector found that the industrial sector of the driving role of economic development. This will determine the current and future key development of the industrial sector in Yunnan and identify the development of poor or even lagging industrial sectors. Therefore, it is of great practical significance and reference value to formulate policies that accord with the actual situation of Yunnan and promote the healthy and stable development of Yunnan economy. This paper also introduces the weighted influence coefficient and influence coefficient. Based on the analysis of 42 departments in Yunnan Province, the inductance coefficient is calculated, and the status quo of Yunnan pillar industry is obtained. Finally, the potential pillar industry in Yunnan is analyzed. Through the previous analysis and research, this paper summarizes the current situation of the industrial structure of Yunnan Province and the existing problems of industrial development, and points out that it is conducive to the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure of Yunnan Province, and to promote the healthy economy of Yunnan Province. Suggestions for rapid and stable development.
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