本文选题:体育产业结构 切入点:结构优化 出处:《成都体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure has become the main driving force leading to the new normal of economic development in our country at this stage. The adjustment of industrial structure with supply-side structural reform as the main line has achieved positive and remarkable results in many industries. The sports industry is facing unprecedented opportunities. Similar to the overall development of the sports industry in China, the sports industry in Chengdu has made leaps and bounds in recent years. However, the unreasonable industrial structure still restricts the further development and sustainable development of industry to a great extent. However, there is no research on the structure of the sports industry in Chengdu, which is not conducive to the practice and healthy development of the sports industry in Chengdu. It also aims to provide some suggestions for the optimization and upgrading of the sports industrial structure in Chengdu, and to better realize its important role in promoting social and economic development. To make more people enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction brought by sports and high quality sports service. This paper takes the structure of sports industry in Chengdu as the research object, using the method of literature and data analysis. Case study and other research methods, in which data analysis is the main method, mainly reflected in the fourth chapter of the article used a large number of real data and charts to analyze the structure of the sports industry in Chengdu, This paper tries to show the structure status of the sports industry in Chengdu more intuitively by combining quantitative and qualitative methods. According to the content, the article can be divided into three parts. The first part is composed of the first, second and third chapters. The main function is to pave the way for the later article and to introduce some concepts in advance. Specifically, the first chapter mainly introduces the background of the thesis, including the background of the topic, the purpose and significance of the research, the content and method of the research and the innovation of the research. The second chapter summarizes the domestic and international research status of sports industry structure and explains the relevant basic theories. Chapter three reviews the successful experiences of the developed countries in sports industry, such as the United States, Britain, Japan and so on. The second part and the third part are composed of the fourth and fifth chapters respectively, which are the main body of the article. The fourth chapter dissects the sports industry structure of Chengdu from two aspects of basic structure and market structure, reveals the present situation, problems and main characteristics of the sports industry structure in Chengdu, and draws relevant conclusions. It includes the rapid development of the sports industry in Chengdu, the optimization of the structure, the improvement of the investment environment of the industry, the increase of the demand for sports services, the symbiotic co-prosperity between the core layer and the peripheral layer of the industry, the weak competitiveness of the sports goods market and the serious imbalance of the internal structure, etc. The fifth chapter puts forward seven specific measures to adjust and optimize Chengdu's sports industry structure on the basis of the above, respectively from the aspects of structure optimization, market optimization, policy optimization and talent optimization, etc. The concrete measures include vigorously developing the sports proprietorship industry, activating the sports service industry, developing the whole people's fitness, driving the consumption of the fitness leisure industry, promoting the formation of the sports industry cluster, perfecting the tax policy, and cultivating the outstanding sports industry talents and so on.
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